“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”

Abraham Lincoln

“You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence”

Abraham Lincoln

“I am rather inclined to silence, and whether that be wise or not, it is at least more unusual nowadays to find a man who can hold his tongue than to find one who cannot.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves, and, under a just God cannot retain it.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end you  are sure to succeed.”

Abraham Lincoln

“If you think you can you can, if you think you can't you're right!”

Abraham Lincoln

“Peu importe ce que vous êtes. Soyez bons.”

Abraham Lincoln

“With educated people, I suppose, punctuation is a matter of rule; with me it is a matter of feeling. But I must say I have a great respect for the semi-colon; it's a useful little chap.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”

Abraham Lincoln

“A universal feeling, whether well or ill-founded cannot be safely disregarded.”

Abraham Lincoln

“All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”

Abraham Lincoln

“When you have got an elephant by the hind legs and he is trying to run away. it's best to let him run"

Abraham Lincoln

“Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Get books, sit yourself down anywhere, and go to reading them yourself.”

Abraham Lincoln

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