General Riddles

I am a part of your body. You can hold me in your left hand but not in your right hand. Who am I?
Right hand.

The eight of us go forth not back to protect our king from a foes attack.
Chess pawns.

Only one color, but not one size, Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies, Present in sun, but not in rain, Doing no harm, and feeling no pain. What am I?
A shadow.

When I get multiplied by any number the sum of the figures in the product is always me. Who I am?
9 e.g. 9 X 6 = 54; 5 + 4= 9

Some months have 31 days, some have 30 days, how many months in the Gregorian calendar have 28?
All the 12 months!

When you buy me I am black in color. When you use me I am red and when you discard me I am grey in color. Who am I?

How many times is the alphabet "a" used while writing the spelling of each number from 1 to 500?
Not a single time.

Use the word "dormitory" to make two words which will complete the below sentence. Daniel stays in a _______ _______.
dirty room

Fill in the sequence: 1 5 9 15 ?
21 Explanation: Position of the vowels a e i o u.

I am made up of the head of a lamb, middle of a pig, hind of a buffalo and the tail of a dragon. Who am I?

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