General Riddles

I am a six letter word. I always follow you in light, but I disappear at night as I am afraid of darkness. Who am I?

Mr. & Mrs. Smith went for a picnic. Mrs. Smith has 5 sons and each son has a sister who has 5 daughters each of whom have 1 brother each. How many of them went for the picnic?
2 people. Explanation: The puzzle only says that Mr. and Mrs. Smith went for a picnic. It does not say that the others accompanied them.

If there are 8 chocolates and you take away 5, how many do you have?
5 of course. If you take 5, what else do you expect to have?

Place a word with 4 letters in between the two words so that it can be used as a prefix and suffix to make two new words. SPOILS_______ION

I don't have eyes, but once I did see. Once I had thoughts, but now I'm white and empty.

Some might say we are red some might say we are green. Some play us some spray us and sometimes our color is in between. What am we?

Use the word "dormitory" to make two words which will complete the below sentence. Daniel stays in a _______ _______.
dirty room

Tear one off and scratch my head what was red is black instead.
A matchstick.

I am a 5 letter word. Take away my first and last letter, I will remain same. If you also take away my middle letter, I will remain same. Who am I?

Adam is 13 years old in 1980. In 1985 he is 8 years old. How?
The dates are in BC (Before Christ).

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