General Riddles

A crime is reported from 6 Park Avenue. The police reach the scene of the crime and find that a single life has been lost. The killer is also there on the spot and so are the evidences that are pointing to his crime, but the police cannot arrest him. Why?
The person who has lost his life, has killed himself. In other words, he has committed suicide

When I get multiplied by any number the sum of the figures in the product is always me. Who I am?
9 e.g. 9 X 6 = 54; 5 + 4= 9

I'm the start of nothing and the end of sun and I'm also in the number one What am I?
The letter "N".

I am an eight letter word. My first four letters combine to form an atmospheric state. My third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh letters give support. My last three letters is the name of a person. Who am I?

People use me to keep themselves clean. I get slimmer whenever I do some work. After my workout is over people need water. Who am I?
A bar of soap.

Adam is 13 years old in 1980. In 1985 he is 8 years old. How?
The dates are in BC (Before Christ).

A shepherd has 18 goats. All but 6 die. How many are left?
6 of course!

I go around the world, but always stay in a corner.
Postal Stamp

Mr. & Mrs. Smith went for a picnic. Mrs. Smith has 5 sons and each son has a sister who has 5 daughters each of whom have 1 brother each. How many of them went for the picnic?
2 people. Explanation: The puzzle only says that Mr. and Mrs. Smith went for a picnic. It does not say that the others accompanied them.

I am a six letter word. I always follow you in light, but I disappear at night as I am afraid of darkness. Who am I?

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