General Riddles

You need to spend a night in a building where there is no power. There are three rooms in this building. On the door of each room there are three different signs. One says "Lions Inside - anyone goes inside becomes their supper", the second one says "Open the door and a machine gun starts firing" and the third one says "Electric Room - touch anything and you will die". Which room would you choose?
Electric Room. Explanation:: There is no power in the building.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith went for a picnic. Mrs. Smith has 5 sons and each son has a sister who has 5 daughters each of whom have 1 brother each. How many of them went for the picnic?
2 people. Explanation: The puzzle only says that Mr. and Mrs. Smith went for a picnic. It does not say that the others accompanied them.

I have one letter but my name is spelled with eight. What am I?

I don't have legs but I have hands. I can run but I can't walk. Who am I?
A clock.

A basket contains 5 apples. Do you know how to divide them among 5 kids so that each one has an apple and one apple stays in the basket?
Answer to this riddle goes as follows: 4 kids get an apple (one apple for each one of them) and the fifth kid gets an apple with the basket still containing the apple

I am a six letter word. I always follow you in light, but I disappear at night as I am afraid of darkness. Who am I?

Place the following letters in such a manner that it becomes something which is used to clean: boas
soap (flip the alphabet b so that it becomes p).

I am a seven letter word. I am very heavy. Take away two letters from me and you will get 8. Take away one letter from me and you will get 80. Who am I?

A crime is reported from 6 Park Avenue. The police reach the scene of the crime and find that a single life has been lost. The killer is also there on the spot and so are the evidences that are pointing to his crime, but the police cannot arrest him. Why?
The person who has lost his life, has killed himself. In other words, he has committed suicide

I am a four letter word. I am an animal. You use me to call your dear ones. Who am I?

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