General Riddles

The eight of us go forth not back to protect our king from a foes attack.
Chess pawns.

Feed me and I live, yet give me a drink and I die.

Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with an anagram: Almost a _________ started between two brothers to decide who will use their father's _________.
battle and tablet.

Paris, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Libya, England, ? Complete the sequence by choosing the correct one amongst the following: Mexico, Singapore and Netherland.
Singapore Explanation: The first letters of each word makes the word PUZZLES.

Find out the difference between 18°C and 64.4°F.
Zero degree

What has an eye but can not see?

Some might say we are red some might say we are green. Some play us some spray us and sometimes our color is in between. What am we?

How many two cent stamps are there in a dozen?
12. There are 12 2-cent stamps in a dozen!

What is as light as a feather, but even the world's strongest man couldn't hold it for more than a minute?
His breath.

I have a many legs, but cannot stand. I have a long neck, but I have no head. I cannot walk and I cannot see But I keep things neat and tidy as can be. What am I?
A broom.

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