General Riddles

Swap one letter from each of the words "Right" and "Blight" to make two related words.
Light and Bright.

When is a man drowned, but still not wet?
When he's trapped in quicksand.

A shepherd has 18 goats. All but 6 die. How many are left?
6 of course!

I have a mouth but I can't speak, I can run but I can't walk. Who am I?

How many of each species did Moses take on the ark with him?
None, Moses wasn't on the ark Noah was.

A basket contains 5 apples. Do you know how to divide them among 5 kids so that each one has an apple and one apple stays in the basket?
Answer to this riddle goes as follows: 4 kids get an apple (one apple for each one of them) and the fifth kid gets an apple with the basket still containing the apple

You can find me in the middle of each month in all the countries. You can always find me only in the night but never in the day.
The alphabet "N".

People use me to keep themselves clean. I get slimmer whenever I do some work. After my workout is over people need water. Who am I?
A bar of soap.

A rooster was injected with strong fertility inducing injections that could yield an average production of 10 score eggs over a period of 10 months. How many eggs would it deliver in a single day?
A rooster does not deliver eggs, it's the hen who does that!

Name four days of the week starting with the alphabet "T".
Tuesday, Thursday, Today and Tomorrow

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