General Riddles

A slice of cake costs $3 if it is cut into two pieces. How much will it cost if it is cut into seven pieces?
$3. As the entire slice costs $3, it doesn't matter how many pieces it is cut into.

What is that which everybody has seen but will never see again?

There are a few trees in a garden. On one of them, a pear tree, there are pears (quite logical). But after a strong wind blew, there were neither pears on the tree nor on the ground. How come?
At first, there were 2 pears on the tree. After the wind blew, one pear fell on the ground. So there where no pears on the tree and there were no pears on the ground.

Paris, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Libya, England, ? Complete the sequence by choosing the correct one amongst the following: Mexico, Singapore and Netherland.
Singapore Explanation: The first letters of each word makes the word PUZZLES.

Where do fish store all their money?
On the river banks!

I come form North, East, West and South. I give you lots of information either verbally or textually. Who am I?

How many pairs of animals did Moses take with him on his Ark to save the world's animals from the Great Flood?
It was not Moses, but Noah, who built an Ark to save the world's animals from the Great Flood.

6 15 18 20 ? = FORTY
25. Explanation: Replace each number with the corresponding letters in the alphabet. 6 = F 15 = O 18 = R 20 = T 25 = Y

Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?
Neither, they both weigh one pound.

You need to spend a night in a building where there is no power. There are three rooms in this building. On the door of each room there are three different signs. One says "Lions Inside - anyone goes inside becomes their supper", the second one says "Open the door and a machine gun starts firing" and the third one says "Electric Room - touch anything and you will die". Which room would you choose?
Electric Room. Explanation:: There is no power in the building.

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