General Riddles

Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?
A coffin.

There are three men in a boat with four cigarettes but no matches. How do they manage to smoke?
They throw one cigarette overboard and made the boat a cigarette lighter.

Where does Friday comes before Thursday?
In the dictionary

I run around a house but I don't move. Who am I?

When is a man drowned, but still not wet?
When he's trapped in quicksand.

A tunnel is 650m long. How far can a horse run into the tunnel if the horse is running at a speed of 10km/hr?
325m Explanation: After that the horse is running out of the tunnel.

I have just one, but with eight to spare, I am usually friendly, but I sometimes act like I don't care. What am I?
A cat (9 lives).

I start with T and end with T and have T in me. Who am I?

How many times is the alphabet "a" used while writing the spelling of each number from 1 to 500?
Not a single time.

I am a 5 letter word. Take away my first and last letter, I will remain same. If you also take away my middle letter, I will remain same. Who am I?

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