General Riddles

Find the missing number: 6 13 25 51 101 ?
203 Explanation: 6x2+1=13 13x2-1=25 25x2+1=51 51x2-1=101 101x2+1=203

I am heavy and have an odd shape. You drop me when you need me and pick me up when you don't need me. Who am I?
Ship anchor

What happens when an elephant sits on a chair?
It's time to buy a new chair!

I am transparent. You can see and feel me, but you cannot hold me. I always take the shape of my container. Who am I?

Decode the following message: AENDFNDFNNIRDERDESIIEIIEAEND
A friend in need is a friend indeed. Explanation: Write the alphabets in four rows for example:

Tear one off and scratch my head what was red is black instead.
A matchstick.

I have a mouth but I can't speak, I can run but I can't walk. Who am I?

How can you lift a hippopotamus with one hand?
You won't find a hippo having one hand!

I am an eight letter word. My first four letters combine to form an atmospheric state. My third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh letters give support. My last three letters is the name of a person. Who am I?

How many times is the alphabet "a" used while writing the spelling of each number from 1 to 500?
Not a single time.

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