General Riddles

What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
Your Name

I have wheels and flies. But I don't have any wings. Who am I?
Garbage truck

I am a seven letter word. I am very heavy. Take away two letters from me and you will get 8. Take away one letter from me and you will get 80. Who am I?

First, you kill me with a knife and then you chop me in anger. Then you cry beside me. Who am I?

I am very fragile. I crack easily. If you cry in front of me, I too start crying. If you smile at me, then I too smile back. Who am I?

I am a part of your body. You can hold me in your left hand but not in your right hand. Who am I?
Right hand.

Fill in the blank: If Tom's father is Tony then Tony is the ________ of Tom's father.

A tunnel is 650m long. How far can a horse run into the tunnel if the horse is running at a speed of 10km/hr?
325m Explanation: After that the horse is running out of the tunnel.

I don't have legs but I have hands. I can run but I can't walk. Who am I?
A clock.

How can you drop an egg on a floor 20 yards below, without cracking it?
The floor will not crack by the dropping of an egg on it!

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