“Pero hay otra clase de felicidad, la que todos hemos estado anhelando y buscando. Esta segunda clase de felicidad es paz y gozo internos y duraderos que sobreviven a cualquier circunstancia.”
Billy Graham
“No matter where we are, God is as close as a prayer. He is our support and our strength. He will help us make our way up again from whatever depths we have fallen.”
Billy Graham
“Evil and suffering are real . . . They aren’t an illusion, nor are they simply an absence of good. We are fallen creatures living in a fallen world that has been twisted and corrupted by sin, and we all share in its brokenness. Most of all, we share in its tragic legacy of disease and death.”
Billy Graham
“[Integrity] means a person is the same on the inside as he or she claims to be on the outside. He is the same person alone in a hotel room a thousand miles from home as he is at work or in his community or with his family. A man of integrity can be trusted.”
Billy Graham
“Jesus Christ opened heaven’s door for us by His death on the cross.”
Billy Graham
“The heart of the Christian Gospel with its incarnation and atonement is in the cross and the resurrection. Jesus was born to die.”
Billy Graham
“Although the testimony of my mother’s life helped mold me and taught me how to live, the testimony of her last years and her death gave me insight into how to die.”
Billy Graham
“As Christians we are constantly bombarded with attitudes and values which are contrary to biblical teaching.”
Billy Graham
“Before the seventeenth century, a child passed directly into the adult world between the ages of five and seven . . . then came the industrial revolution . . .so the child-centered home was born.”
Billy Graham
“Today we see social evil, terrorism, and gross immorality throughout the world. Someone has said, “A wrong deed is right if the majority of people declare it not to be wrong.”
By this principle we can see our standards shifting
from year to year according to the popular vote!
This new permissiveness is condoned by intelligent men and women,
many of whom are found in the churches.”
Billy Graham
“When we all reach the end of our earthly journey, we will have just begun.”
Billy Graham
“Golden years' must have been coined by the young. It is doubtful that anyone over seventy would have described this phase of life with such a symbolic word.”
Billy Graham
“Prayer is for every moment of our lives, not just for times of suffering or joy. Prayer is really a place, a place where you meet God in genuine conversation.”
Billy Graham
“It is a tragic fact that the vast majority of Christians today are living a sub-normal Christian life.”
Billy Graham
“In one bold stroke, forgiveness obliterates the past and permits us to enter the land of new beginnings.”
Billy Graham