“No matter how we may rationalize the practice [of homosexuality] . . . Romans 1 makes it clearly the product of a reprobate mind . . .I am not exonerating all heterosexual activity . . . When we come to Christ, we are called upon to repent of our sins and no longer to practice the ungodly patterns of living.”

Billy Graham

“It is strange that the world accepts enthusiasm in every realm but the spiritual.”

Billy Graham

“As the Constitution is the highest law of the land [in America], so the Bible is the highest law of God. For it is in the Bible that God sets forth His spiritual laws. It is in the Bible that God makes His enduring promises. It is in the Bible that God reveals the plan of redemption for the human race.”

Billy Graham

“Our lives speak loudly to those around us, especially the children in our home.”

Billy Graham

“Christ needs people today who are made of martyr stuff! Dare to take a strong, uncompromised stand for Him.”

Billy Graham

“The television, iPod, and Internet have trespassed upon the innocence of America’s children, while preoccupied mothers and dispassionate fathers stare aghast wondering what went wrong. They don’t stop to think of their own contributions to the persuasions influencing their children. After all, where do kids as young as elementary age get money to rent rock videos and the latest rap DVDs?”

Billy Graham

“We cannot ask forgiveness over and over again for our sins, and then return to our sins, expecting God to forgive us. We must turn from our practice of sin as best we know how, and turn to Christ by faith as our Lord and Savior.”

Billy Graham

“Nothing will drive us to our knees quicker than trouble.”

Billy Graham

“There are those who say that all roads lead to God. But Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” [John 14:6 KJV].”

Billy Graham

“My hope does not rest in the affairs of this world. It rests in Christ who is coming again.”

Billy Graham

“Obedience is the master key to effectual prayer.”

Billy Graham

“End of Construction. Thank you 'for your patience. " Inscription on Ruth Bell Graham's grave -- inspired hy a road sign she saw.”

Billy Graham

“If our faith isn’t rooted in the Bible, it will wither like a plant pulled out of the soil.”

Billy Graham

“It doesn’t take great wealth or social influence to be faithful, but it does take obedience and endurance.”

Billy Graham

“Happiness is a choice, but grief is a certainty.”

Billy Graham

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