“No form of government has been able to establish righteousness, justice, and peace, the three elements without which we can never have continued national prosperity or international peace.”
Billy Graham
“The blessing of knowledge becomes a curse when we pervert it.”
Billy Graham
“The world is not a permanent home, it is only a temporary dwelling.”
Billy Graham
“Life is just a schoolroom with a glorious opportunity to prepare us for eternity.”
Billy Graham
“We’ve tried calling sin “errors” or mistakes” or “poor judgment,” but sin itself has stayed the same. No matter how we try to salve our conscience, we’ve known all along that men are still sinners; and the results of sin are still disease, disappointment, disillusionment, despair, and death.”
Billy Graham
“Society has become so obsessed with sex that it seeps from all the pores of our national life.”
Billy Graham
“True prayer is a way of life, not just for use in cases of emergency. Make it a habit, and when the need arises you will be in practice.”
Billy Graham
“One of the bonuses of being a Christian is the glorious hope that extends out beyond the grave into the glory of God’s tomorrow.”
Billy Graham
“The time to prepare for life’s disappointments and hurts is in advance.”
Billy Graham
“It is the absence of the knowledge of God and man’s refusal to obey Him that lie at the root of every problem which besets us.”
Billy Graham
“With the breakdown of discipline in the home and with every source of amusement and instruction pouring poison into daily life, it is not to be wondered that the minds of people are ready to receive anything but the truth and that they are ready to believe lies and ultimately the lie.”
Billy Graham
“Our society has traded strength of character for makeovers that deceive.”
Billy Graham
“Because tragedy happened to you, it gives you a greater sense of oneness with others who experience tragedy. Because we have been comforted through the Word of God, we in turn may be able to comfort others.”
Billy Graham
“If we would take the traits that characterized the Pilgrims and make them our own, we could regain hope. We could recover the spiritual and moral strength that we have lost. We could offer a thrilling challenge to our young people.”
Billy Graham
“Hypochondriacs who have a fanciful anxiety about their health will never be well regardless of their physical condition.”
Billy Graham