“We act as if it doesn’t matter how we live or what we think or say. We have moved in with the world, and we have allowed the world to penetrate the way we live. So the things that we used to call sin no longer seem to be sin to us.”
Billy Graham
“Among young people . . . drinking is for getting drunk. And many go on to become alcoholics.”
Billy Graham
“The truth is that others judge us. More than that, they evaluate the truth of the Gospel by what they see of our lives and our integrity. [We] must make every effort to be above all suspicion in the matter of finances and statistics. We are not only accountable to God’s people, but also to our Master (see Acts 24:16).”
Billy Graham
“America’s Declaration of Independence speaks of “the pursuit of happiness,” but nowhere in the Bible are we told to pursue this. Happiness is elusive, and we don’t find it by seeking it.”
Billy Graham
“Our prayers must be in accordance with [God’s] will. He knows better what is good for us than we know ourselves.”
Billy Graham
“To injure, ignore, disrespect, and violate the innocence of a child are among the greatest evils known to man.”
Billy Graham
“The Spirit of God takes the Word of God and makes the child of God.”
Billy Graham
“If ever we needed to put the Golden Rule into action, it’s with our aging parents.”
Billy Graham
“Prayer is more than a plea, it is a place where we must spend time if we are to learn its power.”
Billy Graham
“Drunkenness. This Greek word means overindulgence in alcohol. Alcohol may be used for medicine, but it can also become a terrible drug. The way it is used in our world is probably one of the great evils of our day. It is a self-inflicted impediment that springs from “a man taking a drink, a drink taking a drink, and drink taking the man.”
Distilled liquors as we have them today were unknown in Bible times.12”
Billy Graham
“Has God designated any one person here on earth to speak with final authority about Him? No—the one Man who could do that lived two thousand years ago, and we crucified Him!”
Billy Graham
“If our faith isn’t rooted in the Bible, it will wither like a plant pulled out of the soil.”
Billy Graham
“Much of the world believes little or nothing. People are broad but shallow. Agnosticism, anxiety, emptiness, and meaninglessness have gripped much of the world—and even the church . . . By contrast, our Pilgrim forebears stand as shining examples of men who were narrow but deep, certain of what they believed, unswerving in their loyalty,
and passionately dedicated to the God they trusted, and for whom they would willingly have died.”
Billy Graham
“The legacy we leave is not just in our possessions, but in the quality of our lives. The greatest waste in all of our earth, which cannot be recycled or reclaimed, is our waste of the time that God has given us each day.”
Billy Graham
“God says that we can learn a great deal about Him just by observing nature. Because He has spoken through His universe, all men are without excuse for not believing in Him. This is why the Psalmist said: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God” [Psalm 14:1 KJV].”
Billy Graham