“[Satan] has hundreds of agents writing pornographic literature and producing sex movies to pollute [the mind]. He has intellectuals in high positions teaching a hedonistic and permissive philosophy . . .They lack an anchor for their real self.” 

Billy Graham

“A born-again Christian should no more think of going back to the old life than an adult to his childhood.”

Billy Graham

“No situation is beyond God’s control. Over my wife’s desk are these words: “Fear not the future; God is already there.”

Billy Graham

“The devil and his demons really do believe in God—and why wouldn’t they? They understand that they are engaged in a cosmic battle of titanic proportions, and they know they are up against the Creator of the universe—a truth that makes them shudder. There are no atheists in hell!”

Billy Graham

“Love your children—and let them know you love them. Children who experience love find it far easier to believe God loves them.”

Billy Graham

“You need to make the right decision—firmly and decisively—and then stick with it with God’s help.”

Billy Graham

“Sex-centered magazines litter our newsstands . . . each edition trying to escape new laws from the bottom of the sewers. We put lids on sewer holes. Ought we not to do something about the pornography which is spewing out a polluted river of filth which can destroy us faster than any chemical pollution we seem so worried about?7”

Billy Graham

“Because truth is unpopular does not mean that it should not be proclaimed.”

Billy Graham

“We need to encourage new believers to feed on God’s Word—it is nourishment for the soul.”

Billy Graham

“Too many times we are concerned with how much, instead of how little, like this [world] we can become.”

Billy Graham

“Be very sure that you do not deliberately place yourself in a position to be tempted.” 

Billy Graham

“Nowhere do the Scriptures tell us to seek results, nor do the Scriptures rebuke evangelists if the results are meager.”

Billy Graham

“I learned the importance of the Bible and came to believe with all my heart in its full inspiration. It became a sword in my hand to break open the hearts of men, to direct them to the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Billy Graham

“God’s laws for the spiritual world are found in the Bible. Whatever else there may be that tells us of God, it is more clearly told in the Bible.”

Billy Graham

“That “the Spirit Himself intercedes” indicates that it is actually God pleading, praying, and mourning through us.”

Billy Graham

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