“Gratitude is one of the greatest Christian virtues; ingratitude, one of the most vicious sins.”

Billy Graham

“The truth is that others judge us. More than that, they evaluate the truth of the Gospel by what they see of our lives and our integrity. [We] must make every effort to be above all suspicion in the matter of finances and statistics. We are not only accountable to God’s people, but also to our Master (see Acts 24:16).”

Billy Graham

“One of the primary goals in life should be to prepare for death. Everything else should be secondary.”

Billy Graham

“The end will come with the return of Jesus Christ . . .That is why a Christian can be an optimist. That is why a Christian can smile in the midst of all that is happening . . .We know what the end will be: the triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ!”

Billy Graham

“Suffering in life can uncover untold depths of character and unknown strength for service. People who go through life  unscathed by sorrow and untouched by pain tend to be shallow in their perspectives on life. Suffering, on the other hand, tends to plow up the surface of our lives to uncover the depths that provide greater strength of purpose and accomplishment. Only deeply plowed earth can yield bountiful harvests.”

Billy Graham

“A godly person—one who serves Christ and exhibits purity and integrity in his life—is not necessarily welcomed or admired by those who live differently. They may even react in scorn, or refuse to include a christian in their social gatherings because his very presence is a rebuke to them.”

Billy Graham

“Where students talk about being independent and on their own, you will find them practicing the most rigid conformity in dress, in speech, in moral attitudes, and in thinking. Sometimes they follow fashion at the expense of integrity. They dread to be alone. They do not want to stand out or be different. They want to conform. After they graduate from college, many of these young people want nothing more than a good job with a big firm, and a home somewhere in suburbia. But they don’t find security.”

Billy Graham

“Many children today are growing up without discipline. As they become adults and the discipline of job or family demands are placed upon them, they do not know how to cope . . .children need discipline to be useful members of society. Likewise, God’s children need discipline to be useful members of His family.”

Billy Graham

“When Scripture talks about the heart, it’s not talking about that life-sustaining muscle. It’s talking about our entire inner being. The heart is the seat of our emotions, the seat of decisive action, and the seat of belief (as well as doubt).”

Billy Graham

“A Christian has tremendous responsibilities to his own family. He or she has a responsibility of loving each member of the family.”

Billy Graham

“We have so many battles going on in America today that we should be a people of prayer. Our government needs prayer. Our leaders need prayer. Our schools need prayer. Our youth need our prayers. Our families need our prayers.”

Billy Graham

“This is a high-strung, neurotic, impatient age. We hurry when there is no reason to hurry, just to be hurrying. This fast-paced age has produced more problems and less morality than previous generations, and it has given us jangled nerves. Impatience as produced a crop of broken homes, ulcers, and has set the stage for more world wars.”

Billy Graham

“Why do we need to pray? Because the Christian life is a journey, and we need God’s strength and guidance along the way.”

Billy Graham

“The fact that God is infinite makes the study of His Word a lifetime occupation.”

Billy Graham

“We were created to live a life of prayer.”

Billy Graham

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