“Give as few orders as possible," his father had told him once long ago. "Once you've given orders on a subject, you must always give orders on that subject.”

Frank Herbert

“Power and fear," he said. "The tools of statecraft.”

Frank Herbert

“He realized suddenly that it was one thing to see the past occupying the present, but the true test of prescience was to see the past in the future. Things persisted in not being what they seemed.”

Frank Herbert

“She’s the One all right,” she muttered. “Poor thing.”

Frank Herbert

“You must learn to rule. It's something none of your ancestors learned.”

Frank Herbert

“Humans are almost always lonely.”

Frank Herbert

“A ruler must learn to persuade and not to compel... he must lay the best coffee hearth to attract the finest men... a good ruler has to learn his world's language... it's different for every world... the language of the rocks and growing things... the language you don't hear just with your ears... the Mystery of Life... not a problem to solve, but a reality to experience...  Understanding must move with the flow of the process.”

Frank Herbert

“Where Thufir Hawat goes, death and deceit follow.”

Frank Herbert

“He doesn’t appear much, does he—one frightened old fat man too weak to support his own flesh without the help of suspensors.”

Frank Herbert

“A world is supported by four things….” She held up four big-knuckled fingers. “…the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these are as nothing….” She closed her fingers into a fist. “…without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!”

Frank Herbert

“He uses the nice old words so rich in tradition to be sure I know he means it.”

Frank Herbert

“There is no escape—we pay for the violence of our ancestors.”

Frank Herbert

“Mood?” Halleck’s voice betrayed his outrage even through the shield’s filtering. “What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood’s a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It’s not for fighting.”

Frank Herbert

“A good ruler has to learn his world's language, and that's different for every world, the language you don't hear just with your ears.”

Frank Herbert

“you of the fact that a deaf person cannot hear. Then, what deafness may we not all possess? What senses do we lack that we cannot see and cannot hear another world all around us? What is there around us that we cannot—”

Frank Herbert

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