“Never forget that when connections get destroyed by means of bad communication, it's good communication that resolves them. Don't be shy to say "I am sorry" and "please forgive me". That's a good communication!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Passion is that strong and mostly uncontrollable feeling of love that one has towards what he want to do or does. It is dependent on emotions.” 

Israelmore Ayivor

“If you are courageous, people say you are boastful or “too known”. You either choose to accept what they say to you and you need to accept it with its consequences. The consequence is that you will remain where you are!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“I have noticed that sometimes, our success, promotion and accomplishments become real when we say "no" to some things and act the right way. The potential that drives you to do that is called "self-discipline".”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Live everyday like your birthday and drive your life with all varieties of appreciation. A life live with thanksgiving every day is never tired of being lived again and again!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Don’t think about those who are not doing it. Focus on your dreams, goals and actions and make sure it is done well.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“We call this a sweet life; to have your impact solutes dissolved in the life of people giving them a solution to their life problems... You can imagine how tasty that could be!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Self-hatred is self-imprisonment. Self-forgiveness is self-liberation. You have the right to suppress yourself, oppress yourself and depress yourself. You have the right to impress yourself too. Feel happy!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“If you leave your life to chance, you can't make a change. Chance may favour a prepared mind, but it doesn't create change! Will does so.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Life is a game where fair players are winners! But as for the "injury causers", "red-card" sees their end off!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“You are a winner; dare to claim it. You reserve your joy if you reverse your belief. You deserve to celebrate... It will happen when you dare to believe in God!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“You become a master in what you repeatedly do in consistency. Mastery is not born; it is acquired. It is not blood-linked; it is skill-learnt!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“You can’t colour your world with someone’s paint.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“If thousand people say you can't, and you alone believe you can, you will make it happen! But if million people say you can, and you alone believe you can't, you can't make it happen. It all depends on you!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Giving does not only preceed receiving; it is the reason for it. It is in giving that we receive.”

Israelmore Ayivor

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