“Este no es el momento de retraerse con temor. Este es el momento de avanzar en fe. Levántese cada mañana sabiendo que usted está ungido. Está equipado. Está capacitado. Tiene todo lo que necesita para cumplir su destino.”

Joel Osteen

“The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Joy is an emotion, and yet it creates something physical. It creates strength.”

Joel Osteen

“It is important for a husband to understand that his words have tremendous power in his wife’s life. He needs to bless her with words. She’s given her life to love and care for him, to partner with him, to create a family together, to nurture his children. If he is always finding fault in something she’s doing, always putting her down, he will reap horrendous problems in his marriage and in his life. Moreover, many women today are depressed and feel emotionally abused because their husbands do not bless them with their words. One of the leading causes of emotional breakdowns among married women is the fact that women do not feel valued. One of the main reasons for that deficiency is because husbands are willfully or unwittingly withholding the words of approval women so desperately desire. If you want to see God do wonders in your marriage, start praising your spouse. Start appreciating and encouraging her. Every single day, a husband should tell his wife, “I love you. I appreciate you. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” A wife should do the same for her husband. Your relationship would improve immensely if you’d simply start speaking kind, positive words, blessing your spouse instead of cursing him or her.”

Joel Osteen

“Let go of yesterday. Let today be a new beginning and be the best that you can, and you’ll get to where God wants you to be.”

Joel Osteen

“JANUARY 16 Reach Out by Faith For she said to herself, “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.” But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, “Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well.” MATTHEW 9:21–22 NKJV ONE FELLOW WHOSE MARRIAGE was on the verge of dissolution told me, “Joel, I’ve been this way for a long time. Nothing good ever happens to me. I don’t see how my marriage can be restored. We’ve always had these problems.” “Those wrong attitudes will keep you from receiving the good things God wants to pour out in your life,” I told him. “Stop dwelling on negative, destructive thoughts that keep you in a rut. Your life will change when you change your thinking.” God has so much more in store for him, and for you as well. If you want to see God’s far and beyond favor, you have to start believing it, seeing it, and speaking it.”

Joel Osteen

“You’re not being responsible with what God gave you if you’re hanging out with time wasters who have no goals and no dreams.”

Joel Osteen

“The bible says no man can take your joy. That means no person can make you live with a negative attitude. No circumstance, no adversity can force you to live in despair. As Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of wheelchair-bound President Franklin D. Roosevelt, often said, ‘No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Joel Osteen

“Dare to believe. If you think “trickle,” you will receive a trickle. If you think “barely get by,” then you will barely get by. If you think that your problem is too big, it will keep you defeated. But if you will learn to think “flood,” you will experience a flood. If you think “overflow,” you’ll experience an overflow. If you dare think “tidal wave,” then God can release a tidal wave of His goodness in your life. This is what Jesus said: “According to your faith it will be done unto you.”

Joel Osteen

“You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. We were created to be victorious.”

Joel Osteen

“Maybe you’ve invested a lot of time, effort, money, emotion, and energy in a relationship; you did your best to make it work out. But for some reason, things got off course. And now you feel as though you have been robbed. When we focus on or disappointments, we stop God from ringing fresh new blessing into our lives.”

Joel Osteen

“Who told you that something was wrong with you?”

Joel Osteen

“Don't think small when you pray. God has a way to bring your dreams to pass if you'll dare to be bold enough to ask.”

Joel Osteen

“Keep doing the right. God is building character in you, and you are passing that test. Remember, the greater the struggle, the greater the reward.”

Joel Osteen

“A happy heart makes the face cheerful . . . the cheerful heart has a continual feast. PROVERBS 15:13, 15”

Joel Osteen

“I am not who people say I am. I am who God says I am.”

Joel Osteen

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