“When you reach out to hurting people, that’s when God is going to make sure your needs are supplied. When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance.”

Joel Osteen

“To live your best life now, you must start looking at life through eyes of faith, seeing yourself rising to new levels. See your business taking off. See your marriage restored. See your family prospering. See your dreams coming to pass. You must conceive it and believe it is possible if you ever hope to experience it.”

Joel Osteen

“No importa lo que los demás hagan o dejen de hacer, ¡yo viviré mi vida con entusiasmo! Me mantendré avivado, me mantendré apasionado y emocionado por ver que mis sueños se hagan realidad.”

Joel Osteen

“YO DECLARO que Dios está alineando todas las cosas para mi bien. Él tiene un plan maestro para mi vida. Puede que haya cosas que yo no entienda ahora mismo, pero no estoy preocupado. Sé que todas las piezas no están ahí todavía, pero un día todo se juntará y tendrá sentido. Veré el plan maravilloso de Dios llevándome a sitios que nunca me imaginé. Esta es mi declaración.”

Joel Osteen

“Live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. 1 PETER 3:8”

Joel Osteen

“If I prophesy my future I want to prophesy something good. I’m not saying what I feel. I’m not saying what it looks like in the real world. No, I’m saying what God says about me.”

Joel Osteen

“Whatever your critics say about you has no bearing on your worth. You are a child of the Most High God. The Creator of the universe breathed life into you. You have seeds of greatness on the inside. You’ve been crowned with favor. God has already equipped and empowered you with everything you need. Don’t waste your valuable time trying to play up to people, trying to win over all your critics, or trying to prove to someone that you’re important.”

Joel Osteen

“Certainly there are times in all of our lives when bad things happen, or things don’t turn out as we had hoped. But that’s when we we must a decision that we’re going to be happy inspite of our circumstances.”

Joel Osteen

“You’ve got to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have what it takes. God created you to excel, and He’s given you ability, insight, talent, wisdom, and His supernatural power to do so.”

Joel Osteen

“The stress and worry weaken our immune system,”

Joel Osteen

“Rewards await you if you stay steadfast in your faith.”

Joel Osteen

“It says in Romans 5:17, “We are to reign in life as kings.” When God looks at us He doesn’t see us defeated, barely getting by, or just taking the leftover positions. Not at all. God sees you as a king. He sees you as a queen. You have His royal blood flowing through your veins. You and I are supposed to reign in life. Do you know what that word reign means? It means, “time in power.” God said we’re to reign how long? In life. That means as long as you’re alive that is your time in power. You don’t have a two-year term like a mayor, a four-year term like a president. Your term is to reign every single day, to be victorious, to rise to new levels, to accomplish great things.”

Joel Osteen

“It doesn’t matter what it looks like in the natural; God is a supernatural God. He’s not limited by your resources, by your environment, by your education, by your nationality. If you’ll have a big vision, God will not only do what you’re dreaming about, He will do more than you can ask or think.”

Joel Osteen

“crow is more agile so it can turn and maneuver more”

Joel Osteen

“Happiness is a Choice”

Joel Osteen

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