“Too often we hold fast to the clichés of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.

John F. Kennedy

“We, in this country, in this generation, are - by destiny rather than by choice - the watchmen on the walls of world freedom.”

John F. Kennedy

“Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.”

John F. Kennedy

“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.

John F. Kennedy

“I believe in human dignity as the source of national purpose, in human liberty as the source of national action, in the human heart as the source of national compassion... for liberalism is not so much a party creed as it is an attitude of mind and heart, a faith in man's ability through the experiences of his reason and judgment to increase for himself and his fellow men the amount of justice and freedom and brotherhood which all human life deserves.”

John F. Kennedy

“A nation which has forgotten the quality of courage which in the past has been brought to public life is not as likely to insist upon or regard that quality in its chosen leaders today - and in fact we have forgotten.”

John F. Kennedy

“The highest duty of the writer is to remain true to himself and let the chips fall where they may. In serving his vision of the truth the artist best serves his nation.”

John F. Kennedy

“In the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.”

John F. Kennedy

“I love her deeply and have done everything for her. I’ve no feeling of letting her down because I’ve put her foremost in everything.”

John F. Kennedy

“If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him.”

John F. Kennedy

“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

John F. Kennedy

“Unconditional war can no longer lead to unconditional victory. It can no longer serve to settle disputes. It can no longer be of concern to great powers alone. For a nuclear disaster, spread by winds and waters and fear, could well engulf the great and the small, the rich and the poor, the committed and the uncommitted alike. Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind.”

John F. Kennedy

“I can imagine no more rewarding a career. And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: 'I served in the United States Navy.”

John F. Kennedy

“The greater our knowledge increases the greater our ignorance unfolds.”

John F. Kennedy

“Things don't just happen. They are made to happen.”

John F. Kennedy

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