“Trust in Him Start your day by turning on your GPS through prayer. You’ll find God’s guidance, protection, and strength, which will help you trust Him and experience His presence all throughout the day!”
Joyce Meyer
“When we refuse to forgive, we are in disobedience to God’s Word. We open a door for Satan to start all kinds of trouble in our lives. We hinder the flow of love toward others. Our faith is blocked and our prayers are hindered. We are miserable and lose our joy. Our attitudes are poisoned and we spew the poison onto everyone we meet. The price we pay to hang on to our bitter feelings is definitely not worth it. Unforgiveness does have devastating effects, so do yourself a favor… forgive!”
Joyce Meyer
“Peace is our inheritance from Jesus, but we have to choose to follow Him daily. Colossians 3:15 teaches us that peace is to be the “umpire” in our lives, settling every issue that needs a decision. To gain and maintain peace in our hearts, we may have to learn to say no to a few things.”
Joyce Meyer
“If we were supposed to be looking back at where we came from, we would have eyes in the back of our head, but we don’t. Our eyes are at the front of us, so we can always look forward.”
Joyce Meyer
“When someone gives you offense, it doesn't mean you have to take it.”
Joyce Meyer
“The best way to get along with people is not to expect them to like you.”
Joyce Meyer
“Trust in Him Have you decided to enjoy today? Trust that God is with you every day, in every moment—the big moments and the ordinary—and He wants you to enjoy them”
Joyce Meyer
“Love God Today: Seek God for your future and trust Him to bring it about in His timing.”
Joyce Meyer
“Stay on Course Let your eyes look right on [with fixed purpose], and let your gaze be straight before you. Consider well the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established and ordered aright. Turn not aside to the right hand or to the left; remove your foot from evil. PROVERBS 4:25- 27 Jesus knew what His purpose was. He disciplined Himself to stay on course, living His life to fulfill that purpose for which He came. As Christians, we need to follow in His steps and focus on our purpose. We were bought with a price to live our lives in such a way that we become the salt of the earth, the light of the world (see Matthew 5). We are to lay down our selfish, self-centered lifestyles, and gear our lives toward doing something for the betterment of someone else. Then we will experience that “joy unspeakable, and full of glory” (1 Peter 1:8).”
Joyce Meyer
“Immediately, the water turned into wine. This was the first recorded miracle of Jesus’ ministry on earth and I want to remind you that His miracles did not stop there. He will also do miracles in your life if you obey Him, and offer yourself as a clean pot He can fill.”
Joyce Meyer
“When we take steps of faith to make progress in life, there is no guarantee that we will not experience opposition. But we do have God’s guarantee that He will always be with us, and that is truly all we need.”
Joyce Meyer
“Power Thought: I will not give up. I will run my race with perseverance and finish with joy.”
Joyce Meyer
“If you are facing a difficult task don’t put it off. If you do it will just keep tormenting you.”
Joyce Meyer
“don’t have to give in to those things that would keep you from the life God has for you—you may have in your past, but you don’t have to in your future. You can begin again! Jesus is sending away your accusers and offering you a new chance today. Today can be a brand-new start.”
Joyce Meyer
“Some of us are so stubborn we won’t trust God until we have no other choice at all.”
Joyce Meyer