“POINT TO PONDER: I’m as close to God as I choose to be.”

Rick Warren

“If you have felt hopeless, hold on! Wonderful changes are going to happen in your life as you begin to live it on purpose.”

Rick Warren

“The first way to balance stress in my life is to get an internal balance of who I am. And I know who I am by knowing whose I am. I am a child of God. I was put on earth not by accident, but for a purpose. I am deeply loved by God. I am accepted by him. He has a plan for my life, and because he put me here, I am significant.”

Rick Warren

“¿Sabes que reconocer tu desesperanza ante Dios puede ser una afirmación de fe? Es posible confiar en Dios y sentirse afligido al mismo tiempo.”

Rick Warren

“God to work things out instead of trying to manipulate others, force your agenda, and control the situation. You let go and let God work. You don’t have to always be “in charge.” The Bible says, “Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for him.”13 Instead of trying harder, you trust more. You also know you’re surrendered when you don’t react to criticism and rush to defend yourself. Surrendered hearts show up best in relationships. You don’t edge others out, you don’t demand your rights, and you aren’t self-serving when you’re surrendered.”

Rick Warren

“Everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory. ROMANS 11:36 LB”

Rick Warren

“We were created to live in community. We are designed by God for relationships.” 

Rick Warren

“You must begin with God.”

Rick Warren

“Sometimes it takes years, but eventually you discover that the greatest hindrance to God’s blessing in your life is not others, it is yourself — your self-will, stubborn pride, and personal ambition. You cannot fulfill God’s purposes for your life while focusing on your own plans.”

Rick Warren

“It seems we are often guilty of being more interested in defending God’s Word than in studying it.”

Rick Warren

“In contrast, world-class Christians know they were saved to serve and made for a mission. They are eager to receive a personal assignment and excited about the privilege of being used by God. World-class Christians are the only fully alive people on the planet. Their joy, confidence, and enthusiasm are contagious because they know they’re making a difference. They wake up each morning expecting God to work through them in fresh ways. Which type of Christian do you want to be?”

Rick Warren

“We're always just one decision away from disaster." "When you lack wisdom,ask God who gives generously to all."James1:5”

Rick Warren

“La obediencia libera el poder de Dios. Dios espera que actúes primero. No esperes hasta que te sientas poderoso o seguro. Sigue adelante pese a tu debilidad, haciendo lo correcto a pesar de tus temores y sentimientos. Así es como cooperas con el Espíritu Santo, y es como se desarrolla tu carácter. La Biblia compara el crecimiento espiritual con una semilla, un edificio o un niño en crecimiento. Cada metáfora requiere una participación activa: las semillas deben ser plantadas y cultivadas, los edificios deben ser construidos —no surgen de la nada— y los niños deben comer y hacer ejercicio para crecer. Aunque el esfuerzo no tiene nada que ver con nuestra salvación, tiene mucho que ver con nuestro crecimiento espiritual. Por lo menos ocho veces en el Nuevo Testamento se nos dice que «hagamos todo esfuerzo»17 en nuestro crecimiento para llegar a ser como Jesús. Uno no se sienta simplemente a esperar que suceda.”

Rick Warren

“Without God’s power in your life, you are just running on your own energy. God never meant for you to do that. It’s like having a laptop that’s unplugged; the battery will eventually drain and shut down the computer. Why would you live like that when God created you for so much more?”

Rick Warren

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