“Everybody eventually surrenders to something or someone. If not to God, you will surrender to the opinions or expectations of others, to money, to resentment, to fear, or to your own pride, lusts, or ego. You were designed to worship God — and if you fail to worship him, you will create other things (idols) to give your life to. You are free to choose what you surrender to, but you are not free from the consequences of that choice. E. Stanley Jones said, “If you don’t surrender to Christ, you surrender to chaos.”

Rick Warren

“...God doesn't wait for you to reach maturity before he starts liking you. He loves and enjoys you at every stage of your spiritual development.”

Rick Warren

“What pleases the LORD more: burnt offerings and sacrifices or obedience to his voice? It is better to obey than to sacrifice.”

Rick Warren

“Esta es la única prueba real del liderazgo: ¿Es evidente el Espíritu de Dios en tu vida? Si no lo es, entonces no eres una persona a la que haya que seguir.

Rick Warren

“You are who you are for a reason. You’re part of an intricate plan. You’re a precious and perfect unique design, Called God’s special woman or man. You look like you look for a reason. Our God made no mistake. He knit you together within the womb, You’re just what he wanted to make. The parents you had were the ones he chose, And no matter how you may feel, They were custom-designed with God’s plan in mind, And they bear the Master’s seal. No, that trauma you faced was not easy. And God wept that it hurt you so; But it was allowed to shape your heart So that into his likeness you’d grow. You are who you are for a reason, You’ve been formed by the Master’s rod. You are who you are, beloved, Because there is a God!

Rick Warren

“Gratitude asks, “Why me? Why do I get all that I have?” David modeled this kind of gratitude when he prayed, “Who am I, O Sovereign LORD, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?”15 Years later, his son would write, “It is better to be satisfied with what you have than to be always wanting something else.”

Rick Warren

“When it comes to your health, every body needs a buddy. After all, God created the universe in such a way that we need each other.”

Rick Warren

“Nehemías recorre los muros de la ciudad y los inspecciona. En medio de la noche, con la única ayuda de un pequeño grupo, sale para inspeccionar personalmente los daños. A diferencia de Paul Revere, Nehemías no quiere llamar la atención. Todo buen líder es capaz de comprender lo que estaba haciendo Nehemías. Estaba realizando su labor previa. Estaba comprobando el trasfondo de la situación. Este es el aspecto del liderazgo del cual nunca oímos hablar: es la parte solitaria de la labor. La preparación, la comprobación de datos y la investigación no tienen nada de encantadoras ni de emocionantes. Pero sin ellas el plan está condenado al fracaso.”

Rick Warren

The only group large enough to handle," the world's biggest, "problems is the network of millions of local churches around the world. We have the widest distribution, largest group of volunteers, local credibility, the promises of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the inevitability of history.”

Rick Warren

“That is why the key to long-lasting success is to develop habits — new, positive habits that replace our self-defeating behaviors.”

Rick Warren

“It seems we are often guilty of being more interested in defending God’s Word than in studying it.”

Rick Warren

“Toda iglesia que no está obedeciendo a la Gran Comisión está fracasando en su propósito, sin importar qué otras cosas haga.”

Rick Warren

“We are healed to help others. We are blessed to be a blessing. We are saved to serve, not to sit around and wait for heaven.”

Rick Warren

“His plan involves far more than the few decades you will spend on this planet. It’s more than “the opportunity of a lifetime”; God offers you an opportunity beyond your lifetime. The Bible says, “[God’s] plans endure forever; his purposes last eternally.”

Rick Warren

“We’re not completely happy here because we’re not supposed to be! Earth is not our final home; we were created for something much better.”

Rick Warren

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