“Often after years of deep investment into others we are shocked and disappointed that they simply didn’t get who we really are.”
T.D. Jakes
“Destiny is the push of our instincts to the pull of our purpose. That push-pull is what keeps the sun, moon, and stars from crashing. It causes the seasons to change from planting to growing to harvest to dormancy. If that divine push-pull, known as gravity, accurately sets the galaxies and the seasons in motion, will the same principle—the push of instinct and the pull of purpose—not set your life in the right motion?”
T.D. Jakes
“Accept the process. Your blessing is already ready. It’s already done. God is getting you ready for the blessing, preparing you for your destiny.”
T.D. Jakes
“Instincts under pressure crush the carbon of conformity and create diamonds. Each new season of life offers to train us for the next season if we pay attention and adapt.”
T.D. Jakes
“Instincts under pressure crush the carbon of conformity and create diamonds.”
T.D. Jakes
“You never know what you might discover by thinking outside the box that culture, conformity, and critics have tried to impose.”
T.D. Jakes
“The time to shift your priorities in the direction of Destiny is never convenient. There will always be a reason to put it off until later.”
T.D. Jakes
“God can appreciate our differences and still create unity. It is like a conductor who can orchestrate extremely different instruments into producing a harmonious, unified sound. Together we produce a sound of harmony that expresses the multifaceted character of God.”
T.D. Jakes
“both success and struggle are different kinds of trauma.”
T.D. Jakes
“Serving the Lord is not always easy or popular. Folks may laugh at you on your job, mocking and making fun of your faith. But once you decide that there’s no turning back, something in your heart rises up and says “no” to the devil and “yes” to the Lord.”
T.D. Jakes
“When you hold on to your history you do it at the expense of your destiny.”
T.D. Jakes
“The fact that you yearn for more doesn’t mean you’re ungrateful for what you have or that you’re greedy. It means you have a higher calling. The yearning inside calls you.”
T.D. Jakes
“Face the giants in your life, slay them, and move on. Do not be daunted by the mistakes and failures in your life.”
T.D. Jakes
“When you live your own dream, you don’t have time to be a hater.”
T.D. Jakes