“Although the testimony of my mother’s life helped mold me and taught me how to live, the testimony of her last years and her death gave me insight into how to die.”
Billy Graham
“Any theory of the universe that does not take into account the God and Creator of the universe is not worthy of serious consideration.”
Billy Graham
“God’s strength is made perfect in weakness. The weaker I became, the more powerful became the preaching.”
Billy Graham
“One can approach the Bible with a cold, rationalistic attitude, or one can do so with reverence and the desire to hear God speak.”
Billy Graham
“Come back to the Bible. Begin to read it. Study it and God will speak to you and change you—and through you perhaps history can be changed.”
Billy Graham
“Renewal is brought by the Holy Spirit. Believers will learn what it means to minister to one another and build each other up. No longer will our lives seem ordinary and indistinguishable from the rest of the world.”
Billy Graham
“Conscience tells us in our innermost being of the presence of God and of the moral difference between good and evil; but this is a fragmentary message, in no way as distinct and comprehensive as the lessons of the Bible.”
Billy Graham
“The subject of heaven is much easier to accept than the subject of hell. And yet the Bible teaches both.”
Billy Graham
“Any history of the political events of our time which does not also include a discussion of the Bible, the impact of Christianity, and the role of faith in changing the hearts and minds of people all over the world is an incomplete and invalid study. For what is taking place in the world today is not just a protest, but a revolution in the sphere of the human heart.”
Billy Graham
“If God gives you responsibility for aging parents, seek what is best for them, not what is most convenient for you. And keep contact with them!”
Billy Graham
“Children, pray for the salvation of your parents.”
Billy Graham
“This is a high-strung, neurotic, impatient age. We hurry when there is no reason to hurry, just to be hurrying. This fast-paced age has produced more problems and less morality than previous generations, and it has given us jangled nerves. Impatience as produced a crop of broken homes, ulcers, and has set the stage for more world wars.”
Billy Graham
“Gratitude is one of the greatest Christian virtues; ingratitude, one of the most vicious sins.”
Billy Graham
“Greed is an unreasonable or all-absorbing desire to acquire things or wealth. One test of greed is that it is never satisfied. Greed is repeatedly condemned in the Bible.”
Billy Graham
“I fear that so often we Christians give the idea that the truth is fiction by the way we live and by the lack of dedication to the teachings of our Lord.”
Billy Graham