“Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles—the CHOAM Company.”

Frank Herbert

“The clock there had not been properly adjusted to local time, and she had to subtract twenty-one minutes to determine that it was about 2 A.M.

Frank Herbert

“Men looked at their gods and their rituals and saw that both were filled with that most terrible of all equations: fear over ambition.”

Frank Herbert

“The price men have always paid for achieving a paradise in this life -we went soft, we lost our edge.”

Frank Herbert

“If you rely only on your eyes, your other senses weaken.”

Frank Herbert

“I knew Frank Herbert for more than thirty-eight years. He was a magnificent human being, a man of great honor and distinction, and the most interesting person at any gathering, drawing listeners around him like a magnet. To say he was an intellectual giant would be an understatement, since he seemed to contain all of the knowledge of the universe in his marvelous mind. He was my father, and I loved him deeply.”

Frank Herbert

“He understood terrible purposes. They drove against all odds. They were their own necessity. Paul felt that he had been infected with terrible purpose. He did not know yet what the terrible purpose was.”

Frank Herbert

“It was another of the essential ingredients that she felt her son needed: people with a goal. Such people would be easy to imbue with fervor and fanaticism. They could be wielded like a sword to win back Paul’s place for him.”

Frank Herbert

“Each man is a little war.”

Frank Herbert

“Law is the ultimate science.”

Frank Herbert

“What delicious abandon in the sleep of the child. Where do we lose it?”

Frank Herbert

“The Harkonnens discouraged investigation of the spice, didn’t they?”

Frank Herbert

“It occurred to her that mercy was the ability to stop, if only for a moment. There was no mercy where there could be no stopping.”

Frank Herbert

“It's easier to be terrified by an enemy you admire.”

Frank Herbert

“The Fremen have a simple, practical religion,” he said. “Nothing about religion is simple.”

Frank Herbert

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