“Love yourself as you love your neighbour. If you love your neighbour with a heavy heart, love yourself too with a heavy heart.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“It is one thing being disciplined to plan and it is another thing being a disciple of great work. Be your own disciplinarian.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“I saw many people who begun their marathon races lately, but they eventually came up as top winners. I believe that your "lateness" does not account for your "lastness". It's not too late for you to make a start... Begin it now! No further delays!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“You cannot enjoy true love in relationship if you don't add honest flavours to it. You can genuinely maintain what you can sincerely entertain!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Before your mother's conception of you, God knew you; before His ‪consecration of you, He had up set your assignments right! You are not an accident!

Israelmore Ayivor

“God hides great things in little things. In every young girl, God hides a great woman; in every young boy, He hides a great man; in a small seed, He hides a big forest! A little is never inadequate if God's hands are its creator! Don't despise little things!” 

Israelmore Ayivor

“Not now” easily grows to become “never”; You either do it now or lose it forever!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Your dreams are like the cement. If you water it with actions, it becomes a hard concrete mass. But if you leave it exposed and unwatered, the air will easily blow it away!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“I heard my teacher said "great people make history". I am not concern about "great" or "people" or "history". I am concerned about "make" and it keeps me asking the next question "how?"! They are Determined and Disciplined!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Whether you like it or not, you are branding yourself. The concern is whether the brand is a positive one or not. It is therefore expected of every aspiring achiever who wants to make an indelible impact to first of all create and maintain a good brand.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“When trees fall on trees, the topmost tree must first be removed before others. Don't be too concerned about the problems of the past. What matters most is the challenge at hand now!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“We all have individually special kingdoms of success in each of us. Obedience is the throne of those kingdoms without which the real person we are is sure to suffer eviction.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“Don’t feed your body and keep your spirit starving. Butter bread for your body and living bread for your spirit. Read the Bible every day and keep your spirit away from hunger.”

Israelmore Ayivor

“You can change direction if you feel like you have missed your way... Decide to do that now! Go back a little more and begin from where you missed it out! If only you are ready to rise again, you can make a right decision in that tight belly of the shark. Jonah did that earlier!”

Israelmore Ayivor

“A compassionate government does not need to pay too much attention to those who don't have needs. True leadership is to fulfill a need of the needy. People who have needs need attention indeed! Be a true leader!”

Israelmore Ayivor

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