“When you put your feet on the floor every morning, Hell should shake!”
Joyce Meyer
“shining example of perseverance is renowned pastor John Wesley. Let’s take a peek into his diary . . . Sunday, A.M. May 5 Preached in St. Anne’s. Was asked not to come back anymore. Sunday, P.M. May 5 Preached in St. Jude’s. Can’t go back there, either. Sunday, A.M. May 19 Preached in St. Somebody Else’s. Deacons called special meeting and said I couldn’t return. Sunday, P.M. May 19 Preached on street. Kicked off street. Sunday, A.M. May 26 Preached in meadow. Chased out of meadow as bull was turned loose during service. Sunday, A.M. June 2 Preached out at the edge of town. Kicked off the highway. Sunday, P.M. June 2 Afternoon, preached in a pasture. Ten thousand people came out to hear me.
Joyce Meyer
“When someone gives you offense, it doesn't mean you have to take it.”
Joyce Meyer
“afraid﹘trust God to change you! 64. You will never forgive if you wait until you”
Joyce Meyer
“You can not live your life just based on what everyone else thinks.”
Joyce Meyer
“seem to start their day on the “wrong foot.” They feel all right when they wake up, but as soon as something goes wrong, they lose their footing and walk with a “loser’s limp” the rest of the day. Once they are off to a bad start, it seems they never catch up. If someone offends us early in the morning, our anger can keep us”
Joyce Meyer
“Put your expectations on God, not on people.”
Joyce Meyer
“I am not going to let negative people control my mood. They have problems and they are not going to give their problems to me.”
Joyce Meyer
“Until we accept and approve of ourselves, no amount of approval from others or position in life will keep us permanently secure. The outside approval we seek becomes an addiction. We work to get approval and it feels good for a short while; then we find that we need more and more. True freedom never comes until we fully realize that we don’t need to struggle to get from others what God freely gives us: love, acceptance, approval, security, worth, and value.”
Joyce Meyer
“Come to me all who are weary and heavy burden.." Go to the throne, not the phone. The people on the other end aren't qualified to fix your problems, they don't know what they're doing either!!!
Joyce Meyer
“Therefore, [there is] now no condemnation… for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit. Romans 8:1”
Joyce Meyer
“Love God Today: Seek God for your future and trust Him to bring it about in His timing.”
Joyce Meyer
“Many people in the world are trying to find God, and what we show them is much more important than what we tell them. It is, of course, important that we verbally share the gospel, but to do so and negate what we have said with our own behavior is worse than to say nothing.”
Joyce Meyer
“Do whatever you can do, and refuse to sit and do nothing. Remember, do what you can do, and God will do what you cannot do.”
Joyce Meyer