“If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, the road to heaven is paved with relentless faith.”

T.D. Jakes

“The low-grade plagiarism of popularity will never lead you to true contentment.” 

T.D. Jakes

“When you don’t become fixated on winning the prize or appearing successful, and instead pursue your passions, then you will discover the fulfillment that comes from living by instinct.”

T.D. Jakes

“What are you going to do with what you have been given?”

T.D. Jakes

“Just because the vision tarries doesn’t mean God has changed His mind or given up on you. It could very well mean that the timing or the situation is not right for God to get the ultimate glory and benefit out of your trusting in Him. Hold on to faith even in the midst of the battle.” 

T.D. Jakes

“Its not over, until the Lord says its over.”

T.D. Jakes

“Could it be that we allow the conditions in our lives to distract us from the meaning of our lives?”

T.D. Jakes

“Basic Instincts It’s the way mother birds build nests, and build them high enough to elude” 

T.D. Jakes

“Many people live in the waiting room, not because of God’s unwillingness to promote, but because of their unwillingness to be faithful in their current life situation.”

T.D. Jakes

“Routines without ongoing assessment lead to stagnation and mediocrity.” 

T.D. Jakes

“No woman wants to be in submission to a man who isn't in submission to God!”

T.D. Jakes

“Have you ever been guilty of having a condescending attitude about another person’s weakness? How can we dare to think we can access the soul-cleansing blood that delivers us from the cesspool of our secret sins, and then look down on another member of Christ’s Body in disdain?”

T.D. Jakes

“Faith is the oil that takes the friction out of living. Faith will enable you to turn liabilities into assets and stumbling blocks into stepping stones. When you begin to have faith, your load will get heavy but your knees won’t buckle, you’ll get knocked down but you won’t get knocked out. You’ve got to have faith if you are going to make it in life. You must believe in yourself and in a power greater than yourself, and do your best and don’t worry about the rest. You must maintain faith and work as if everything depended on you, and pray as if everything depended on God.”

T.D. Jakes

“soul survivor,” someone who’s willing to open up and examine the pain in order to lance the wound and perforate the power of the past.” 

T.D. Jakes

“destiny close to your heart. Keep listening to your own voice. Hold on to your revelation. Avoid sharing your calling. Everyone is not worthy of knowing your inner voices; don’t give the haters an opening to tear you down.”

T.D. Jakes

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