Proverbs on "African Proverbs" Back

Advice is a stranger; if he’s welcome he stays for the night; if not, he leaves the same day.

African Proverbs

The hyena with a cub does not consume all the available food.

African Proverbs

A single stick may smoke, but it will not burn.

African Proverbs

There are many colorful flowers on the path of life, but the prettiest have the sharpest thorns.

African Proverbs

What you give you get, ten times over

African Proverbs

“If you offend, ask for a pardon; if offended, forgive”. Forgive the one, who is guilty to you. Apologize if you made a mistake.

African Proverbs

War has no eyes

African Proverbs

However long the night may last, there will be a morning.

African Proverbs

Rain does not fall on one roof alone.

African Proverbs

One who eats alone cannot discuss the taste of the food with others.

African Proverbs

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