Proverbs on "African Proverbs" Back

Wealth diminishes with usage; learning increases with use.

African Proverbs

A patient man will eat ripe fruit

African Proverbs

Fine words do not produce food.

African Proverbs

Unity is strength, division is weakness.

African Proverbs

Show me your friend and I will show you your character

African Proverbs

She is like a road – pretty, but crooked.

African Proverbs

A pretty basket does not prevent worries.

African Proverbs

A housewife who complains that there is not enough foodstuff in the market should remember that if her husband adds to what is already available, there would be more for everyone.

African Proverbs

You must act as if it is impossible to fail.

African Proverbs

Judge not your beauty by the number of people who look at you, but rather by the number of people who smile at you.

African Proverbs

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