Proverbs on "African Proverbs" Back

You can tell a ripe corn by its look.

African Proverbs

Knowledge is better than riches.

African Proverbs

One person is a thin porridge; two or three people are a lump of ugali.

African Proverbs

It is no shame at all to work for money.

African Proverbs

Milk and honey have different colors, but they share the same house peacefully

African Proverbs

“If you offend, ask for a pardon; if offended, forgive”. Forgive the one, who is guilty to you. Apologize if you made a mistake.

African Proverbs

If you are looking for a fly in your food it means that you are full.

African Proverbs

Patience puts a crown on the head.

African Proverbs

Anyone who sees beauty and does not look at it will soon be poor.

African Proverbs

Beautiful words don’t put porridge in the pot.

African Proverbs

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