“If tomorrow were never to come, it would not be worth living today.”

Albert Einstein

“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are they crazy?” –Albert Einstein”

Albert Einstein

“In two weeks the sheeplike masses of any country can be worked up by the newspapers into such a state of excited fury that men are prepared to put on uniforms and kill and be killed, for the sake of the sordid ends of a few interested parties.”

Albert Einstein

“The more cruel the wrong that men commit against an individual or a people, the deeper their hatred and contempt for their victim. Conceit and false pride on the part of a nation prevent the rise of remorse for its crime.”

Albert Einstein

“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

Albert Einstein

“There are two means of refuge from the misery of life - music and cats.”

Albert Einstein

“Hanya ada dua cara menjalani kehidupan kita. Pertama adalah seolah tidak ada keajaiban. Kedua adalah seolah segala sesuatu adalah keajaiban.”

Albert Einstein

“Aku takut suatu hari teknologi akan melampaui interaksi manusia. Dunia akan memiliki generasi idiot”

Albert Einstein

“It is harder to crack prejudice than an atom.”

Albert Einstein

“Science has therefore been charged with undermining morality, but the charge is unjust. A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.”

Albert Einstein

“Necessity is the mother of all invention.”

Albert Einstein

“People like you and me never grow old. We never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born.”

Albert Einstein

“The only sure way to avoid making mistakes is to have no new ideas.”

Albert Einstein

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.”

Albert Einstein

“One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely achieve through one’s greatest efforts.”

Albert Einstein

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