“What a deep [trust] in the rationality of the structure of the world and what a longing to understand even a small glimpse of the reason revealed in the world there must have been in Kepler and Newton to enable them to unravel the mechanism of the heavens in long years of lonely work!”

Albert Einstein

“True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist.” 

Albert Einstein

“I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.”

Albert Einstein

“Try and penetrate with our limited means the secrets of nature and you will find that, behind all the descernible laws and connections, there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable. Veneration for this force beyond anything that we can comprehend is my religion. To that extent I am, in fact, religious.”

Albert Einstein

“Never memorize something that you can look up.”

Albert Einstein

“For any one who is pervaded with the sense of causal law in all that happens, who accepts in real earnest the assumption of causality, the idea of a Being who interferes with the sequence of events in the world is absolutely impossible. Neither the religion of fear nor the social-moral religion can have any hold on him.”

Albert Einstein

“Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.”

Albert Einstein

“A theory is something nobody believes, except the person who made it. An experiment is something everybody believes, except the person who made it.”

Albert Einstein

“To know the secrets of Life, we must first become aware of their existence.”

Albert Einstein

“Dancers are the athletes of God.”

Albert Einstein

“Félek attól a naptól amikor a technológia fontosabb lesz,mint a személyes kapcsolattartás.A világon lesz egy generációnyi idióta.”

Albert Einstein

“Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler.”

Albert Einstein

“ACADEMIC CHAIRS ARE MANY, but wise and noble teachers are few; lecture-rooms are numerous and large, but the number of young people who genuinely thirst after truth and justice is small.”

Albert Einstein

“What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.”

Albert Einstein

“Why is it that no one understands me and everybody likes me”

Albert Einstein

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