“The world judges the Christian by his life, not by his belief.”

Billy Graham

“Faith actually means surrender and commitment to the claims of Christ. It means an acknowledgment of sin and a turning to Christ.”

Billy Graham

“Are you perhaps one of those who worries about having committed the unpardonable sin? If so, you should face squarely what the Bible says on this subject, not what you may have heard from others. The unpardonable sin is rejecting the truth about Christ. It is rejecting, completely and finally, the witness of the Holy Spirit, which declares that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who alone can save us from our sins. Have you rejected Christ in your own life, and said in your heart that what the Bible teaches about Him is a lie? Then I tell you as solemnly and as sincerely as I know how that you are in a very dangerous position. I urge you without delay to accept the truth about Christ, and to come to humble confession and repentance and faith. It would be tragic for you to persist in your unbelief, and eventually go into eternity without hope and without God.”

Billy Graham

“America’s Declaration of Independence speaks of “the pursuit of happiness,” but nowhere in the Bible are we told to pursue this. Happiness is elusive, and we don’t find it by seeking it.”

Billy Graham

“Materialism may do what a foreign invader could never hope to achieve—materialism robs a nation of its spiritual strength.”

Billy Graham

“Love your children—and let them know you love them. Children who experience love find it far easier to believe God loves them.”

Billy Graham

“Bitterness is anger gone sour, an attitude of deep discontent that poisons our souls and destroys our peace.”

Billy Graham

“If there were no heaven and no hell, I would still want to be a Christian because of what it does for our homes and our own families in this life.”

Billy Graham

“Temptation is not a sin. It is the yielding that is sin. All temptation is from the devil.”

Billy Graham

“Christ needs people today who are made of martyr stuff! Dare to take a strong, uncompromised stand for Him.”

Billy Graham

“Your own family circle knows whether Christ lives in you and through you.”

Billy Graham

“Among those Christians to whom hell means little, Calvary means less.”

Billy Graham

“While we read the Word, its message saturates our hearts, whether we are conscious of what is happening or not.”

Billy Graham

“If you are a true Christian . . .you will reveal through your daily life the fruit of the Spirit . . .and all the other Christian virtues which round out a Christlike personality.”

Billy Graham

“We can trust the Bible because it points us to the most important events in human history: the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

Billy Graham

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