“God wants you to succeed; He created you to live abundantly.”

Joel Osteen

“The Bible says, “See that none of you repays another evil for evil, but always aim to show kindness and seek to do good to one another and to everybody.”

Joel Osteen

“Every time you resist temptation you are winning for your children.”

Joel Osteen

“Your faith will help you overcome your obstacles.”

Joel Osteen

“Si usted quiere ser feliz, si quiere ser libre, saque esa porquería de su vida. Deje de aferrarse a eso, déjelo ir. No permita que la raíz de amargura siga envenenando su vida, escudriñe su corazón. Cuando Dios saque a la luz asuntos, trate prontamente con ellos. Mantenga pura su corriente. Amigo, si usted hace su parte y saca el veneno de su vida, gozará del favor y la bendición de Dios de una manera nueva.”

Joel Osteen

“I am blessed. I am strong. I am healthy.”

Joel Osteen

“(after listening to people gripe and complain just smile and remember)  Crows can’t hang with eagles.”

Joel Osteen

“You can be in the storm, but don’t let the storm get in you.”

Joel Osteen

“We are set in our ways, bound by our perspectives and stuck in our thinking.”

Joel Osteen

“Do not swallow anything Satan is trying to ram down your throat. Jesus comes first.”

Joel Osteen

“Keep in mind, just because you don’t know the answer doesn’t mean that one does not exist. You simply haven’t discovered it yet.”

Joel Osteen

“When someone is rude, keep a smile on your face. When you stay on the high road and keep your joy, you take away their power."

Joel Osteen

“Recuerda que Dios puso en ti todo lo necesario para que vivas victorioso.”

Joel Osteen

“You’ve got to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have what it takes. God created you to excel, and He’s given you ability, insight, talent, wisdom, and His supernatural power to do so.”

Joel Osteen

“God accepts you. God approves you. And He has something better in store.”

Joel Osteen

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