“We have to realize that our lives could be gone in a moment. There are no guarantees that we will be here at this time next year. Learn to live each day to the fullest. Don’t complain. Don’t focus on what’s wrong. Be grateful for the opportunity to experience each day.”

Joel Osteen

“I DECLARE breakthroughs are coming in my life, sudden bursts of God’s goodness. Not a trickle. Not a stream. But a flood of God’s power. A flood of healing. A flood of wisdom. A flood of favor. I am a breakthrough person and I choose to live breakthrough minded. I am expecting God to overwhelm me with His goodness and amaze me with His favor. This is my declaration.”

Joel Osteen

“You need to take pride in what God has given you.”

Joel Osteen

“At the start of each new day, remind yourself: “I am talented. I am creative. I am greatly favored by God. I am equipped. I am well able. I will see my dreams come to pass.” Declare those statements by faith and before long, you will begin to see them in reality.”

Joel Osteen

“You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.”

Joel Osteen

“No tienes que responder a cada crítica. No tienes que demostrarle nada a nadie. Tan solo permanece por encima y permite que Dios pelee tus batallas por ti.”

Joel Osteen

“¡YO DECLARO que tendré fe en vez de tener miedo! Meditaré en lo que es positivo y bueno de mi situación, y usaré mi energía no para preocuparme, sino para creer.”

Joel Osteen

“If you’ll dare to take your mind off your troubles, get your mind off your own needs and, instead, seek to be a blessing to other people, God will do more for you than you could even ask or think.”

Joel Osteen

“Déjele todo a Dios, viva una vida de perdón y no se la viva intentando vengarse con todos, pagándoles por lo que le hicieron. Dios ve cada injusticia que se le ha hecho, cada persona que le ha lastimado. Él tiene el archivo, y la Escritura dice que si usted no se venga, Dios le recompensará, le pagará. Y amigo, no sólo le pagará, Él le pagará abundantemente.”

Joel Osteen

“I DECLARE that God has a great plan for my life. He is directing my steps. And even though I may not always understand how, I know my situation is not a surprise to God. He will work out every detail to my advantage. In His perfect timing, everything will turn out right. This is my declaration.”

Joel Osteen

“Whatever you’re facing, it is under your feet. It is not permanent. It’s temporary. Stay”

Joel Osteen

“MARCH 1 Envision Your Dreams I counsel you to buy from me . . . salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. REVELATION 3:18 DO YOU LOOK UPON your life with eyes of faith? Think of it this way: when we close our eyes, we should see more than we do when we have our eyes open. See your whole family serving God. See yourself rising to new levels of effectiveness. See yourself stronger, healthier, and living a more abundant life. See God using you in”

Joel Osteen

“esa mentalidad negativa e ir más arriba. Recuerda que Dios puso en ti todo lo necesario para que vivas victorioso.”

Joel Osteen

“God wants you to go further.” 

Joel Osteen

“Quit worrying about how everything is going to turn out. Live one day at a time; better yet, make the most of this moment. It’s good to have a big – picture outlook, to set goals, to establish budgets and make plans, but if you’re always living in the future, you’re never really enjoying the present in the way God wants you to.”

Joel Osteen

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