“No importa lo que los demás hagan o dejen de hacer, ¡yo viviré mi vida con entusiasmo! Me mantendré avivado, me mantendré apasionado y emocionado por ver que mis sueños se hagan realidad.”

Joel Osteen

“God has a way of removing what looks permanent by showing us an explosion of His goodness.”

Joel Osteen

“Pay attention to what you’re saying. Are you blessing your life? Or are you cursing it?”

Joel Osteen

“Les tengo buenas noticias: Usted no se tiene que mantener a la par de nadie. Usted puede correr su propia carrera y ser un individuo. Dios le ha dado la gracia para hacer lo que Él le ha llamado a hacer y no le ha dado la gracia para hacer lo que todos los demás están haciendo. Usted no tiene que ser la mejor mamá del mundo, sólo sea la”

Joel Osteen


Joel Osteen

“When our daughter, Alexandra, was about three years old, she used to wake up at night and come down the stairs into our room. Of course, we would have to take her back to bed. For a few months she was waking up two or three times a night and coming down. This was not long after I took over for my father and started pastoring. I was learning to minister, and there was a lot of stress and change just with that, so I wasn’t sleeping much. One time I was telling Victoria, “We’ve just got to do something about Alexandra. She’s coming down so much. You know, I’m just so tired. I’m not getting enough sleep.” On and on. Victoria said something I’ll never forget. She said, “Joel, just remember, twenty years from now, you’ll give anything to hear those little footsteps coming down the stairs. You’ll give anything to have her wanting to come into your room.” That changed my whole perspective. I began looking forward”

Joel Osteen

“Amigo, alguien necesita su abrazo el día de hoy. Alguien necesita su amor, alguien necesita sentir su toque. Aunque usted no se haya percatado de ello, hay sanidad en sus manos, hay sanidad en su voz y Dios quiere usarle para traer esperanza, sanidad, amor y victoria a las personas que le rodean. Si se atreve a quitar su mente de sus propios problemas, de sus propias necesidades y a buscar cómo ser de bendición para otras personas,”

Joel Osteen

“You will give birth to more in the future than you’ve lost in the past.”

Joel Osteen

“Jesus was saying that you can't have a larger life with restricted attitudes.”

Joel Osteen

“God didn't create you to be average. You were created to excel You have everything”

Joel Osteen

“If you don't set the tone for the day, the devil will set it for you.”

Joel Osteen

“This is what Paul told Timothy in the Bible: “Stir up the gift, fan the flame.” When you stir up the passion, your faith will allow God to do amazing things.”

Joel Osteen

“Consider this: you are today what you believed about yourself yesterday. And you will be tomorrow what you believe about yourself right now.”

Joel Osteen

“Be secure enough in who you are that you don’t live to please people. As long as you’re doing what God has put in your heart, you don’t need to look to the left or the right. Stay focused on your goals, and God will get you where you’re supposed to be.”

Joel Osteen

“We can’t stop the negative voices from speaking, but we can choose whether or not we’re going to dwell on what they say.”

Joel Osteen

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