“In Scripture, Joseph had a big dream in his heart, and when he was a young man, God promised that he would be a great leader and even help rule a nation. But before that dream came to pass Joseph had many adversities. His brothers were jealous of him. They threw him into a deep pit. They left him there to die. But Joseph understood what it says in 2 Corinthians 4:18: “The things that are seen are temporary.” One translation says the things that are seen are “subject to change. But the things that are unseen are eternal.” The things we see with our physical eyes are only temporary, but the things we see through our eyes of faith are eternal. Yet too often we allow temporary things to discourage us and cause us to give up on our dreams. Anything that doesn’t line up with the vision God placed in your heart should be seen not as permanent but as subject to change. Joseph understood this principle. When he was thrown into the pit, he knew that his fate did not line up with the vision God had painted on the canvas of his heart.”
Joel Osteen
“The stress and worry weaken our immune system,”
Joel Osteen
“Don’t talk about the size of your problem. Talk about the size of your God.”
Joel Osteen
“No, quit limiting God. He may want to open another opportunity or a better position for you. God may intervene in your situation, replacing your supervisor so you can be promoted. One day, you may run that entire company! Once you begin”
Joel Osteen
“If you will remain at rest and hold your peace, then the battle is not yours, but the battle is the Lord’s.”
Joel Osteen
“Whenever I talk to people who have had life-threatening experiences, whether from an illness, an accident, or some other challenge, without fail they talk about how they have come to appreciate each and every day more than ever before. They don’t take a minute for granted. They see every day as a gift from God. We have to realize that our lives could be gone in a moment. There are no guarantees that we will be here at this time next year. Learn to live each day to the fullest. Don’t complain. Don’t focus on what’s wrong. Be grateful for the opportunity to experience each day. Things may not be perfect. You may have some aches and pains. You may have some adversity. But in the big scope of things your life could be a whole lot worse. And really, you need to live every day like it could be your last.”
Joel Osteen
“The sad truth is, if you push hard enough, and if you’re so stubborn that you must have things your way, God will sometimes allow you to undertake a project without His blessing or at the wrong time. The problem with that, of course, is when you start something in your own strength and in your own timing, you’re going to have to finish it and maintain it in your own strength.”
Joel Osteen
“YO DECLARO que Dios está alineando todas las cosas para mi bien. Él tiene un plan maestro para mi vida. Puede que haya cosas que yo no entienda ahora mismo, pero no estoy preocupado. Sé que todas las piezas no están ahí todavía, pero un día todo se juntará y tendrá sentido. Veré el plan maravilloso de Dios llevándome a sitios que nunca me imaginé. Esta es mi declaración.”
Joel Osteen
“MAY 13 Guard Against Pessimism For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. ROMANS 14:17 NLT I HEARD A STORY ABOUT TWO FARMERS. When the rain fell, one farmer said, “Thank You, Lord, for watering our crops.” But the other farmer said, “Yeah, but if the rain keeps up, it’s going to rot the roots.” When the sun came out, the positive farmer said, “Thank You, Lord, that our crops are getting the vitamins and minerals they need. We’ll have a wonderful harvest this year.” But the negative farmer said, “Yeah, but if it keeps up, it’s going to scorch those plants. We’re never going to make a living.” Don’t you know people who are always focused on the negative? Be sure to guard against their negative attitudes infecting your thinking! Stay focused on the positive things in life.”
Joel Osteen
“A happy heart makes the face cheerful . . . the cheerful heart has a continual feast. PROVERBS 15:13, 15”
Joel Osteen
“You must conceive it in your heart and mind before you can receive it.”
Joel Osteen
“Appreciation - Learn to give flowers while people are still living”
Joel Osteen
“Develop the habit of getting daily direction from God...When you do, He will lead you down the best path for your life.”
Joel Osteen
“Ser positivo con respecto a ti mismo 3.”
Joel Osteen
“Do you know what that word reign means? It means, “time in power.” God said we’re to reign how long? In life. That means as long as you’re alive that is your time in power.”
Joel Osteen