“My mother would take the Band-Aid off, clean the wound, and say, “Things that are covered don’t heal well.” Mother was right. Things that are covered do not heal well.”
T.D. Jakes
“Most people are manipulated by the approval of others, the paycheck that supports them, and the lifestyle that has handcuffed them to the brass ring of perceived success. On this path we eventually live like slaves to a man-made system. We chase the goals of others instead of pursuing our own dreams. We anesthetize our despair with the next purchase, pill, or plunder.”
T.D. Jakes
“entrée to your future. Start reading journals and blogs and books that you’ve”
T.D. Jakes
“When you begin to realize that your past does not necessarily dictate the outcome of your future, then you can release the hurt.”
T.D. Jakes
“Have you ever been guilty of having a condescending attitude about another person’s weakness? How can we dare to think we can access the soul-cleansing blood that delivers us from the cesspool of our secret sins, and then look down on another member of Christ’s Body in disdain?”
T.D. Jakes
When ideas hang out with influence, income will always emerge.”
T.D. Jakes
“We are to work to improve ourselves while at the same time remaining totally dependent on God.”
T.D. Jakes
“You are closer to Destiny than ever, wiser than you have ever been, because you’ve learned from the ups and downs you have experienced. You are stronger than you’ve ever been because you have endured hardship, hurt, and betrayal of false friends, and are still standing. You are closer than ever because you’ve figured out who you are and who you are not. You know what you want and where you belong. You have let go of the people and the circumstances that have no role in your future. You’re closer than ever because you live in ever-growing awareness of what matters in your life and what does not. Smell and taste your destiny. You know you are close because you are striving. Soon the entire unfolded journey will make sense.”
T.D. Jakes
“It’s not selfish to prioritize your life to fulfill Destiny. It’s actually the most selfless thing you can do. God has an appointment for you to serve humanity in the greatest way possible for you.”
T.D. Jakes
“God’s will is that we, as His people, be separated unto Him for His purpose. As believers, we should endeavor to pursue that sanctification at any cost.”
T.D. Jakes
“If we have been diligent to hide the Word of God in our hearts, and if we continue to labor over that Word, we can be assured that in the time of harvest we will reap a bountiful reward if we faint not. (See Galatians 6:9.)”
T.D. Jakes
“I’d rather you waste my money than waste my time.”
T.D. Jakes
“I felt particularly compelled to write this book because the “why” is always more powerful than the “how” of life.”
T.D. Jakes
“First, don’t feed on drama. Stay calm. Horror movies are intended to be overly dramatic to entice your emotions. Notice, those who die in a horror flick are the ones who scream and freak out. They feed into the drama. When you are attacked on your Destiny journey, don’t give in to that drama in your”
T.D. Jakes
“When you’re in trouble, God will reach into the mess and pull you out.”
T.D. Jakes