“The unborn baby lies in a cage we call a womb. He has eyes but cannot use them, and a mouth that he has never eaten with. He has been innately equipped for a world he has not been exposed to. His innate instincts like sucking, seeing, walking, and sitting have never been utilized because no opportunity exists in his present safe and warm cocoon of development. He must be born and enter the world to discover the instincts imbued by his Creator.”
T.D. Jakes
“When you begin to realize that your past does not necessarily dictate the outcome of your future, then you can release the hurt. It is impossible to inhale new air until you exhale the old.”
T.D. Jakes
“Listen, God can’t bless what you won’t do. You haven’t been taught correctly. Prosperity doesn’t just come from giving an offering. It’s good to be a giver. But you must also be a thinker, a planner, and a worker.”
T.D. Jakes
“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”
T.D. Jakes
“Strength in the wrong place is weakness. That’s true of anyone’s gift. If you’re not using your greatest asset in the right way, it’s a weakness. Your greatest strength might be your undoing”
T.D. Jakes
“When you begin to realize that your past does not necessarily dictate the outcome of your future, then you can release the hurt.”
T.D. Jakes
“When you don’t become fixated on winning the prize or appearing successful, and instead pursue your passions, then you will discover the fulfillment that comes from living by instinct.”
T.D. Jakes
“Destiny is not for comfort seekers. Destiny is for the daring and determined who are willing to endure some discomfort, delay gratification, and go where Destiny leads.”
T.D. Jakes
“Serving the Lord is not always easy or popular. Folks may laugh at you on your job, mocking and making fun of your faith. But once you decide that there’s no turning back, something in your heart rises up and says “no” to the devil and “yes” to the Lord.”
T.D. Jakes
“entrée to your future. Start reading journals and blogs and books that you’ve”
T.D. Jakes
“Destiny is the push of our instincts to the pull of our purpose. That push-pull is what keeps the sun, moon, and stars from crashing. It causes the seasons to change from planting to growing to harvest to dormancy. If that divine push-pull, known as gravity, accurately sets the galaxies and the seasons in motion, will the same principle—the push of instinct and the pull of purpose—not set your life in the right motion?”
T.D. Jakes
“both success and struggle are different kinds of trauma.”
T.D. Jakes
“When you leave the familiar and enter the unknown, your fear becomes refined by experience and hammered into tools of survival on the anvil of anxiety.”
T.D. Jakes
“A church that focuses on the external has lost its passion for souls.”
T.D. Jakes
“You cannot rush God’s timing.
When the Lord speaks a word into your life, it is like a seed. Is your confidence in God’s seed?”
T.D. Jakes