“We have a mandate to speak out against “the sin that so easily entangles” [Hebrews 12:1 NIV]; for though we are not of the world, we are still in it.”
Billy Graham
“Disappointments are part of life; we can’t always have our own way, and we need to learn to separate what is significant from what is merely annoying. Only in heaven will we be free of all disappointments and failures. A friend of mine says, “Oh well, a hundred years from now it won’t make any difference!”
Billy Graham
“We glorify Christ when we live for God—trusting, loving, and obeying Him.”
Billy Graham
“Where will we spend eternity—with God in that place of endless joy the Bible calls heaven, or apart from Him in that place of endless despair the Bible calls hell?”
Billy Graham
“Satan is real and is opposed to everything God is doing.”
Billy Graham
“Christ can take the most sin-laden, selfish, evil person and bring forgiveness and new life.”
Billy Graham
“There are many irritations in life. They become prime opportunities for Satan to lead us into evil passion. Keep anger clear of bitterness, spite, or hatred.”
Billy Graham
“Scientific discoveries (not theories) are found more and more to fit into the record God has given us in His Word.”
Billy Graham
“Today the idea of the shed blood of Christ is becoming old-fashioned and out of date in a lot of preaching. It is in the Bible. It is the very heart of Christianity.”
Billy Graham
“No matter how much you exercise, no matter how many vitamins or health foods you eat, no matter how low your cholesterol, you will still die—someday. If you knew the moment and manner of your death in advance, would you order your life differently?”
Billy Graham
“Instead of clinging to the only Lifeboat that can save, we have tossed overboard biblical truths in the name of [compromise], living on the edge of life, like the man who rides the parameter of a hurricane, daring it to sweep him away.”
Billy Graham
“You cannot pray for someone and hate them at the same time.”
Billy Graham
“There are many who sit in some churches week after week, year after year, without hearing the whole Gospel and knowing what it is to be born again. They hear a gospel which is incomplete, and consequently not good news at all.”
Billy Graham
“You can have religion but not know Christ. It’s having Christ that counts.”
Billy Graham
“God’s judgment echoes the sound of hoofbeats, but God’s love quietly convicts.”
Billy Graham