“OUR LEGACIES Every footprint that we take Makes a change where we have passed. Small things there beneath our heel Are changing where the print was cast. What then could any difference make When ruthless paths our courses take? Beneath our heel some things will bend Without the strength to rise again. Joye Kanelakos”

Jim Stovall

“Somehow love from the past can be felt in the present and accompany us on our journey into the future.”

Jim Stovall

“Only when we try to understand one another's suffering can we begin to bring each other joy.”

Jim Stovall

“great legacy starts with a great life, and every great life starts with a great plan.”

Jim Stovall

“A journey should never be judged by the destination or mode of transportation. It should be judged by the friends who accompany us on the trip.”

Jim Stovall

“reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book”

Jim Stovall

“Our memories are not totally fact or completely fiction. They are a conglomeration of the thoughts that we put together to explain to ourselves who we are. Just like a beautiful flower garden will look totally different in daylight as opposed to dark, the memories of our past are held hostage by our perspective.”

Jim Stovall

“Remember that a wish held fervently turns into belief, and a belief held diligently becomes reality.”

Jim Stovall

“whether you’re missing”

Jim Stovall

“You can often outperform what other people think of you, but you will never outperform what you think of yourself.”

Jim Stovall

“missing, intangible, undefinable “something” that we only know exists because we don’t seem to have it. “Something to do” represents the investment of the most precious commodity that we all have—our time. We all have the same amount of hours and minutes each day. Success and happiness hang in the balance based upon how”

Jim Stovall

“The only way you can truly get more out of life for yourself is to give part of yourself away.”

Jim Stovall

“Showing Respect Is not Slavery...and Must Be Taught”

Jim Stovall

“and better, makes us all proud. But let us never forget that, when you’ve lost everything that you own, but you still have your friends and family around you and the desire to go on, you still have everything.”

Jim Stovall

“wife and two children on the spot of barren dirt that hours before had been his home and everything he owned, he spoke the words I will keep with me always. He said, “We have lost absolutely everything. We have nothing left other than the clothes on our backs.” Then, after a brief pause, he continued, “But I guess we are lucky since our whole family is safe and sound. We have everything important.” To have lost everything and still have everything seems contradictory, but it’s not. As I reflect on the lessons presented by the young father, I realize that we all spend a lot of time accumulating things that in the final”

Jim Stovall

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