“In this life, there is nothing more powerful than a person who has seen the path to destiny within their soul and is willing to pursue it.”
Jim Stovall
“In order to be truly happy in the largest sense of that word, we must have something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to.”
Jim Stovall
“Our family is involved in our life’s journey long before we are born and long after we die. Some of our family is connected by blood and others only by love.”
Jim Stovall
“In life’s journey, the things we keep we eventually lose, while the things we give away, we always have.”
Jim Stovall
“wife and two children on the spot of barren dirt that hours before had been his home and everything he owned, he spoke the words I will keep with me always. He said, “We have lost absolutely everything. We have nothing left other than the clothes on our backs.” Then, after a brief pause, he continued, “But I guess we are lucky since our whole family is safe and sound. We have everything important.” To have lost everything and still have everything seems contradictory, but it’s not. As I reflect on the lessons presented by the young father, I realize that we all spend a lot of time accumulating things that in the final”
Jim Stovall
“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if no one is watching.”
Jim Stovall
“A journey may be long or short, but it must start at the very spot one finds oneself.”
Jim Stovall
“missing, intangible, undefinable “something” that we only know exists because we don’t seem to have it. “Something to do” represents the investment of the most precious commodity that we all have—our time. We all have the same amount of hours and minutes each day. Success and happiness hang in the balance based upon how”
Jim Stovall
“experience, and most of those experiences are painful and costly. If you can learn from someone else’s pain and expense, you are a wise person, indeed. I would encourage you to read this book, cover-to-cover, but also keep it as a reference text using the sections and individual columns as a resource you can revisit as your life journey calls for specific wisdom. It is my hope that this is not a one-time encounter that you and I are having. My hope is, in the coming months and years as you travel toward your own personal”
Jim Stovall
“Some friendships are a legacy left to us by those who have gone before. Other friendships are legacies we will leave behind.”
Jim Stovall
“The only way to truly get more out of life for yourself is to give part of yourself away.”
Jim Stovall
“Who we are is a tribute to those who have left us a legacy. Who we help others become will be our legacy.”
Jim Stovall
“The journey of life is a matter of traveling well rather than reaching a destination.”
Jim Stovall
“write books, make speeches, produce movies, or even submit a weekly column with the thought of making people’s lives better, stand atop the giant shoulders of Napoleon Hill. Anyone who has written a self-help or personal-development book in the last 75 years enjoyed an advantage that Napoleon Hill never had. We have all benefited”
Jim Stovall
“Somehow love from the past can be felt in the present and accompany us on our journey into the future.”
Jim Stovall