“God's love for me is perfect because it's based on Him not on me. So even when I failed He kept loving me.” 

Joyce Meyer

“Think Yourself Happy”

Joyce Meyer

“God wants His people to walk in wisdom so they don’t have to fall into misery and pain before they come to their senses, which may sometimes come too late. It is better to live wisely and not need continuous miracles, than to live foolishly and always need a miracle to get out of trouble.”

Joyce Meyer

“The truth is always revealed through the Word; but sadly, people don’t always accept it. It is a painful process to face our faults and deal with them. Generally speaking, people justify misbehavior. They allow their past and how they were raised to negatively affect the rest of their lives. Our past may explain why we’re suffering, but we must not use it as an excuse to stay in bondage.”

Joyce Meyer

“It is tormenting to live life with a burden of guilt. Jesus bore our sins and the guilt associated with them, and in reality, once we have received forgiveness for any sin we have committed, there is no longer any guilt. When sin goes, guilt goes with it. Jesus not only forgives sin, He removes it completely. He remembers it no more, and to Him, it is as if it never happened. When we feel guilt after we have confessed and repented of a sin, we should tell the feeling that it is a lie. Don’t let your feelings be the ruling factor in your life. The Bible says that we are justified in Christ, and I heard one theologian say that means that we stand before God just as if we had never sinned. Even if our feelings can’t believe it, we can choose to live beyond our feelings and we can honor God’s Word above how we feel. If we make right choices according to the Word of God, our feelings will eventually come in line with our good choices.”

Joyce Meyer

“We can offer thanksgiving at all times—in every situation, in all things—and by so doing, enter into the victorious life Jesus died to give us. It may require a sacrifice of praise or thanksgiving, but a person who consciously takes the time to be grateful is always happier than someone who does not.”

Joyce Meyer

“Our words and actions should bear good fruit (see Matthew 7:15–20). If we appear to have good fruit, it is important that we actually have it because people will be watching us to see if we are genuine. God has chosen us to be His ambassadors (see 2 Corinthians 5:20), and we represent Him well when there is good fruit in our lives. It isn’t enough just to have a Jesus sticker on our cars and a cross hanging around our necks displaying our Christianity—we must have the fruit to back it up.” 

Joyce Meyer

“Grace is the power of God to help us in other areas in which we cannot help ourselves.” 

Joyce Meyer

“Moses spent forty years in the king’s palace thinking that he was somebody; then he lived forty years in the wilderness finding out that without God he was a nobody; finally he spent forty years discovering how a nobody with God can be a somebody.”

Joyce Meyer

“Our mouth gives expression to what we think, feel, and want. Our mind tells us what we think, not necessarily what God thinks. Our will tells us what we want, not what God wants. And our emotions tell us what we feel, not what God feels. As our soul is purified, it is trained to carry God’s thoughts, desires, and feelings; then we become a mouthpiece for the Lord!”

Joyce Meyer

“If you are willing to give yourself away, you will have a much better life than you ever would have had trying to keep yourself.”

Joyce Meyer

“Years ago I heard a well-known Bible teacher say, “If you want to find a spiritual person, don't look in the church.” He said that because in church you can't tell who is real and who is putting”

Joyce Meyer

“The things we do to serve one another are the things that bind us together.”

Joyce Meyer

“Psalm 16:11 tells us in His presence is fullness of joy. If we have received Jesus as our Savior and Lord, He, the Prince of Peace lives inside us.”

Joyce Meyer

“Therefore I tell you, stop being perpetually uneasy (anxious and worried) about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink; or about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life greater [in quality] than food, and the body [far above and more excellent] than clothing? Matthew 6:25”

Joyce Meyer

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