“way God works is through His Word. Remember, God only works and moves in line with His Word. He has bound Himself by His Word.”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“Why do I say that? Because if you are expecting just prayer to do it, it won’t work. It’s exercising faith in God’s Word that makes prayer work. To expect prayer itself to do the job is the same as expecting your physical hand to unlock a car door; it can’t do it by itself. You have to have the key to unlock the door. And in prayer you have to have faith in the Name of Jesus and in the Word of God in order to get the job done. The Name of Jesus is our key. I think sometimes we think we can move God with our tears and our prayers and our fasting. But God doesn’t ever change. He’s always the same (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8). God moves when you come to Him according”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“You’ll not have any better standing with God when you get to Heaven than you do right now.”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“People keep on struggling when it comes to prayer and faith because they don’t actually believe what the Word says.”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“PETER 5:8 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“Years ago on the flyleaf of my Bible I wrote in red ink, “The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it.”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“PHILIPPIANS 4:6 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“(Many people believe the lie that it is not God’s will to heal them, yet it is illogical to believe that God heals, and at the same time believe that He won’t heal you.)”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“Jesus paid for salvation for every man, woman, boy, and girl who would ever live on this earth. But people must believe on Jesus and receive Him as their own Savior before salvation can benefit them.”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“Do what God says do. Endeavor to be faithful, no matter what happens or what comes. And leave the results to God.”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“So then faith cometh. . . .” We know it comes. From where does it come? How does it come? “. . . faith cometh by hearing. . . .” It doesn’t come by seeing. It doesn’t come by feeling. It comes by hearing. Hearing what? “. . . and hearing by the word of God.” It comes by hearing the Word of God.”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“You should constantly be confessing who you are. On no, not who you are physically—the son or daughter of John Doe who lives on such-and-such street. No! But who you are according to the Word of God. That’s the confession we’re to hold fast to.”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“often I ask them if they have ever acted as though the Word is so. People must act like the Scriptures are true. If they don’t act like the Word is true, they are walking by what their senses are telling them and not by what the Bible says. That’s what is throwing them off. They’re missing the faith realm entirely, which is based on what the Word says, not on what they see or feel.”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“If you see yourself sick. If you see yourself unhealed. If you see yourself getting worse. That Word has departed from before your eyes. You’re looking at something else. You’re seeing yourself with something else.”
Kenneth E. Hagin
“If you’ll simply step out and do what He’s called you to do—whether it’s to proclaim His Word, or to assist others through the ministry of helps—you’ll find yourself walking into the blessings of God and a greater fulfillment in your life than you ever dreamed possible.”
Kenneth E. Hagin