“The Bible says, “Fight the good fight of faith . . .” (1 Tim. 6:12). If there weren’t any hindrances to faith, there wouldn’t be a fight. When it comes to the natural things, people will fight tooth and toenail for what belongs to them. But when it comes to spiritual things, many times they just roll over and play dead!”

Kenneth E. Hagin

“You’ll not have any better standing with God when you get to Heaven than you do right now.”

Kenneth E. Hagin

“Doubt is from the devil. You have to resist doubts and rebuke them. You have to get your mind on the answer — on God’s Word. In order to receive answers to your prayers, you must eradicate every image, suggestion, vision, dream, impression, feeling, and all thoughts that do not contribute to your faith and that do not affirm that you have what you have asked God for. The word “eradicate” means to uproot or remove. Remember, Satan moves in the sense realm, in the natural realm, and he uses the tool of suggestion.”

Kenneth E. Hagin

“Do what God says do. Endeavor to be faithful, no matter what happens or what comes. And leave the results to God.”

Kenneth E. Hagin

“PETER 5:8 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”

Kenneth E. Hagin

“Some people think truth pertains to things they can see with their physical eye, but you can’t see the things of the spirit. Spiritual things are not natural and they are not material. Everything we need is provided for us in the spiritual realm by God’s Word.   EPHESIANS 1:3 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with ALL SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS in heavenly places in Christ.   This scripture means that everything we need has been provided for us in Christ Jesus. You can’t see those things, but they are there because God’s Word says they are there. There is sense-knowledge truth and there is revelation truth. When sense-knowledge truth contradicts revelation truth — the truth of God’s Word — then I start walking by revelation truth. I walk by what God has said in His Word. That which is in the spiritual realm is made real in the natural realm through my faith in the Word of God. My faith grasps it and creates the reality of it in my life (Rom. 4:17). So when you pray, believe that you receive whatever it is you are praying for, and you shall have it. That’s beyond natural thinking. In fact, the natural mind can’t grasp it. The majority of the leaders of our churches today are sense-knowledge people. Sense knowledge has taken the church captive. We are to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7). Believe the truth and not a lie.”

Kenneth E. Hagin

“For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).”

Kenneth E. Hagin

“Too few Christians realize the importance of the Word of God in prayer. We know that faith begins where the will of God is known. And we know that God’s Word is His will. So find scriptures that definitely promise the things you are asking for. If the Scriptures don’t promise you the things you are desiring, you don’t have any business praying for those things. And you shouldn’t want anything that the Word of God says you shouldn’t have. Many believers are trying to pray beyond their faith. But it’s the Word that gives you faith.” 

Kenneth E. Hagin

“[God's] Word abides in us in the measure that it governs our lives - in the measure that we act upon it.”

Kenneth E. Hagin

“How little wives may realize that a biting, stinging word in the morning will rob a husband of efficiency the whole day long. But a loving, tender, beautiful word—a little prayer word—will fill him with music and will lead him into victory.” 

Kenneth E. Hagin

“So God contacts you through your SPIRIT—not through your MIND, and not through your BODY—because He is a Spirit. He’s not a mind. He’s not a man. The Bible says He isn’t. Although He has a spirit-body over in the spirit world (angels do, too), God is not a PHYSICAL being. He is a Spirit. He contacts us through our spirit, and we contact Him through our spirit.”

Kenneth E. Hagin

“You should constantly be confessing who you are. On no, not who you are physically—the son or daughter of John Doe who lives on such-and-such street. No! But who you are according to the Word of God. That’s the confession we’re to hold fast to.”

Kenneth E. Hagin

“Confession: I believe in my heart Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe He was raised from the dead for my justification. I confess Him as my Lord and Saviour. Jesus is my Lord. He is dominating my life. He is guiding me. He is leading me.”

Kenneth E. Hagin

“PHILIPPIANS 4:6–7 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Kenneth E. Hagin

“that God “giveth his beloved sleep” (Ps. 127:2).” 

Kenneth E. Hagin

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