“The deepest level of worship is praising God inspite of pain, trusting Him during a trial, surrendering
while suffering, and loving Him when He seems distant.”
Rick Warren
“You are joined together with peace through the Spirit, so make every effort to continue together in this way. EPHESIANS 4:3 (NCV)”
Rick Warren
“En realidad, nunca entenderás algunos mandamientos si no los obedeces primero. Obedecer abre la puerta al entendimiento.”
Rick Warren
“You, God, created everything, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created. REVELATION 4:11 NLT The Lord takes pleasure in his people. PSALM 149:4 TEV”
Rick Warren
“«La experiencia no es lo que te pasa a ti. Es lo que haces con lo que te pasa».”
Rick Warren
“He helped them to know and love God (worship), taught them to love each other (fellowship), gave them the Word so they could grow to maturity (discipleship), showed them how to serve (ministry), and sent them out to tell others (mission).”
Rick Warren
“But God’s presence in your life has nothing to do with your feelings. Your emotions are susceptible to all kinds of influences, so they are often unreliable. Sometimes the worst advice you can get is “Do what you feel.” Often what we feel is neither real nor right. Your emotional state can be the result of memories, hormones, medicines, food, lack of sleep, tension, or fears. Whenever I start to feel anxious about a situation, I remind myself that fear is often False Evidence Appearing Real.”
Rick Warren
“You will not be in heaven two seconds before you cry out, “Why did I place so much importance on things that were so temporary? What was I thinking? Why did I waste so much time, energy, and concern on what wasn’t going to last?”
Rick Warren
“God is more interested in your character than your comfort. God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy.”
Rick Warren
“«Nunca dudes en la oscuridad de lo que Dios te dijo en la luz».”
Rick Warren
“The Bible is filled with verses on the importance of community. Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another” (NIV 1984). Galatians 6:2 says, “By helping each other with your troubles, you truly obey the law of Christ” (NCV).”
Rick Warren
“Al fin de tu vida en la tierra serás evaluado y recompensado de acuerdo con la manera en que uses lo que Dios te confió. Eso significa todo lo que hagas. Hasta las tareas más simples tienen repercusión eterna. Si todo lo tratas como un encargo, con responsabilidad, Dios promete tres recompensas en la eternidad. La primera, Dios te dará su aprobación y te dirá: «¡Buen trabajo, bien hecho!». Segundo, se te dará un ascenso y una responsabilidad mayor en la eternidad: «Te pondré a cargo de muchas cosas». Entonces serás honrado con un festejo: «Ven y comparte la felicidad del Maestro». Mucha gente no logra darse cuenta de que el dinero es ambas cosas, tanto una prueba como un fideicomiso de Dios. Dios usa las finanzas para enseñarnos a confiar en él, y para mucha gente, el dinero es la prueba más grande de todas. Dios observa cómo lo usamos para probar qué tan confiables somos. La Biblia dice: «Si ustedes no han sido honrados en el uso de las riquezas mundanas, ¿quién les confiará las verdaderas?»
Rick Warren
“If you would like to increase the amount of happiness you experience in life, here is one of the secrets: learn to enjoy the successes and joys of others.”
Rick Warren
“When it comes to your health, every body needs a buddy. After all, God created the universe in such a way that we need each other.”
Rick Warren