“God specializes in turning weaknesses into strengths. He wants to take your greatest weakness and transform it.”

Rick Warren

“You must make a counter-culture decision to focus on becoming more like Jesus. Otherwise, other forces like peers, parents, coworkers, and culture will try to mold you into their image.” 

Rick Warren

“Pretentiousness repels but authenticity attracts, and vulnerability is the pathway to intimacy.”

Rick Warren

“God wants your life — all of it. Ninety-five percent is not enough.”

Rick Warren

“Circumstances cannot change the character of God.”

Rick Warren

“The deepest level of worship is praising God inspite of pain, trusting Him during a trial, surrendering while suffering, and loving Him when He seems distant.”

Rick Warren

“We bring God glory by worshiping him. Worship is our first responsibility to God. We worship God by enjoying him.”

Rick Warren

“Como cristianos somos llamados a pertenecer, no tan solo a creer.”

Rick Warren

“POINT TO PONDER: Blessed are the balanced.”

Rick Warren

“Un hombre vio que uno de sus vecinos salía de una iglesia un domingo por la mañana y le preguntó: «¿Ya se acabó el sermón?» El vecino le respondió con sabiduría: «No. Ya lo predicaron, pero todavía falta que lo practiquemos». Si no aplicamos las revelaciones que Dios nos da, nos volveremos espiritualmente insensibles y desarrollaremos costras. Nos volvemos torpes a la obra de convencimiento del Espíritu Santo en nuestra vida. La aplicación de la Palabra de Dios es vitalmente necesaria para nuestra salud espiritual, crecimiento y madurez cristiana.” 

Rick Warren

“Your birth was no mistake or mishap, and your life is no fluke of nature. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did. He was not at all surprised by your birth. In fact, he expected it.”

Rick Warren

“Living to create an earthly legacy is a shortsighted goal. A wiser use of time is to build an eternal legacy. You weren’t put on earth to be remembered. You were put here to prepare for eternity.” 

Rick Warren

“When you think about a problem over and over in your mind, that’s called worry. When you think about God’s Word over and over in your mind, that’s meditation. If you know how to worry, you already know how to meditate! You just need to switch your attention from your problems to Bible verses. The more you meditate on God’s Word, the less you will have to worry about.”

Rick Warren

“The Good News is that when we trust God’s grace to save us through what Jesus did, our sins are forgiven, we get a purpose for living, and we are promised a future home in heaven.”

Rick Warren

“POINT TO PONDER: I’m as close to God as I choose to be.”

Rick Warren

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