“When you think about a problem over and over in your mind, that’s called worry. When you think about God’s Word over and over in your mind, that’s meditation. If you know how to worry, you already know how to meditate!”

Rick Warren

“Jesus taught that spiritual maturity is never an end in itself. Maturity is for ministry! We grow up in order to give out. It is not enough to keep learning more and more. We must act on what we know and practice what we claim to believe.”

Rick Warren

“Many people are driven by the need for approval. They allow the expectations of parents or spouses or children or teachers or friends to control their lives. Many adults are still trying to earn the approval of unpleasable parents. Others are driven by peer pressure, always worried by what others might think. Unfortunately, those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it.”

Rick Warren

“Dear Jesus, more than anything else, I want to get to know you intimately.”

Rick Warren

“Worldly Christians look to God primarily for personal fulfillment. They are saved, but self-centered. They love to attend concerts and enrichment seminars, but you would never find them at a missions conference because they aren’t interested. Their prayers focus on their own needs, blessings, and happiness. It’s a “me-first” faith: How can God make my life more comfortable? They want to use God for their purposes instead of being used for his purposes.”

Rick Warren

“If you have just been going through the motions spiritually, don’t be surprised when God allows pain in your life. Pain is the fuel of passion — it energizes us with an intensity to change that we don’t normally possess. C. S. Lewis said, “Pain is God’s megaphone.” It is God’s way of arousing us from spiritual lethargy. Your problems are not punishment; they are wake-up calls from a loving God. God is not mad at you; he’s mad about you, and he will do whatever it takes to bring you back into fellowship with him.”

Rick Warren

“The Daniel Plan will help you find a personal fitness strategy that you will enjoy.”

Rick Warren

“Real security can only be found in that which can never be taken from you--your relationship with God.”

Rick Warren

“El verdadero desarrollo espiritual nunca surge de una búsqueda aislada ni individual. La madurez se alcanza a través de las relaciones y la vida en comunidad.”

Rick Warren

“You exist only because God wills that you exist.

Rick Warren

“Cuando vivimos a la luz de la eternidad, nuestro enfoque cambia. En lugar de plantearnos: «¿Cuánto placer me proporciona la vida?», llegamos a pensar: «¿Cuánto placer le proporciono a Dios con mi vida?».”

Rick Warren

“God has not called you to be the best in the world at anything! He has called you to be the best you can be, given your background, experiences, opportunities, and abilities.”

Rick Warren

“The largest churches in the history of Christianity are in existence at this very moment. Most of them are not in the United States.”

Rick Warren

“Think about this: What positive changes in your life could happen if you relied on God’s unlimited power instead of your limited willpower.”

Rick Warren

“Those who have hurt you in the past cannot continue to hurt you now unless you hold on to the pain through resentment.”

Rick Warren

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