“Long before you were conceived by your parents, you were conceived in the mind of God. He thought of you first. It is not fate, nor chance, nor luck, nor coincidence that you are breathing at this very moment. You are alive because God wanted to create you! The Bible says, “The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me.”
Rick Warren
“El porqué de todo Porque de Él, por Él y para Él son todas las cosas. A Él sea la gloria para siempre. ROMANOS 11:36 (LBLA) Toda obra del SEñOR tiene un propósito. PROVERBIOS 16:4 (NVI) TODO ES PARA él. El objetivo final del universo es mostrar la gloria de Dios. La gloria de Dios es el porqué de la existencia de todo, incluida tu persona. Dios hizo todo para su gloria. Sin la gloria de Dios, no habría nada.”
Rick Warren
“It is only in God that we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance, and our destiny. Every other path leads to a dead end.”
Rick Warren
“Without a clear purpose you have no foundation on which you base decisions, allocate your time, and use your resources. You will tend to make choices based on circumstances, pressures, and your mood at that moment. People who don’t know their purpose try to do too much — and that causes stress, fatigue, and conflict.”
Rick Warren
“There are three barriers that block our total surrender to God: fear, pride, and confusion. We don’t realize how much God loves us, we want to control our own lives, and we misunderstand the meaning of surrender.”
Rick Warren
“You exist only because God wills that you exist.
Rick Warren
“In God’s eyes, the greatest heroes of the faith are not those who achieve prosperity, success, and power in this life, but those who treat this life as a temporary assignment and serve faithfully, expecting their promised reward in eternity.”
Rick Warren
“SELECTING THE RIGHT TOOLS FOR GOOD BIBLE STUDY Probably one of the best-kept secrets in Christendom is the availability of practical Bible study helps. Many Christians are not aware of the many excellent reference tools currently available to make personal Bible study possible and exciting. This is comparable to a carpenter who sets out to build a house without knowing that a hammer and saw are available to him.”
Rick Warren
“Glory in your weaknesses. Paul said, “I am going to boast only about how weak I am and how great God is to use such weakness for his glory.”
Rick Warren
“The fact is, it is selfish for a church to not want to grow. A church that says, “We’ve got enough people, we’ve got a nice fellowship. Our church is just the right size. We just need to focus on the members we already have.” That church is, in reality, actually saying, “The rest of the world can go to hell. We don’t care.”
Rick Warren
“When God wants to make a mushroom, he does it overnight, but when He wants to make a giant oak, He takes a hundred years. Great souls are grown through struggles and storms and seasons of suffering. Be patient with the process.”
Rick Warren
“love is the only thing that can change the unchangeable.”
Rick Warren
“The darker and richer the colors, the more unique and wonderful the fruits, the more power-packed nutrition they contain.”
Rick Warren
“Because God is sovereignly in control, accidents are just incidents in God's good plan for you.”
Rick Warren
“God is not waiting for you to get physically healthy or spiritually mature before he starts loving you or enjoying you. He loves you right now, and he will be cheering you on at every stage of your growth and development. He is not waiting for you to cross the finish line first. He is smiling at you as you run the race.”
Rick Warren