“Actually, this is a good thing, because it forces us to recognize our need for each other. It’s part of God’s plan. We were created to live in community. We are designed by God for relationships. The very first thing God said to mankind was “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). God hates loneliness. So he made us to need each other.”

Rick Warren

“He helped them to know and love God (worship), taught them to love each other (fellowship), gave them the Word so they could grow to maturity (discipleship), showed them how to serve (ministry), and sent them out to tell others (mission).”

Rick Warren

“Puede que te lleve años, pero al fin descubrirás que el mayor estorbo a la bendición de Dios en tu vida no son los demás, sino tú mismo: tu propia voluntad, tu orgullo obstinado y tu ambición personal.”

Rick Warren

“Repetition is the mother of character and skill.” 

Rick Warren

“If there was no God, we would all be “accidents,” the result of astronomical random chance in the universe. You could stop reading this book, because life would have no purpose or meaning or significance. There would be no right or wrong, and no hope beyond your brief years here on earth.”

Rick Warren

“El plan de Dios para tu vida involucra todo lo que te pasa, incluyendo tus errores, pecados y heridas. La enfermedad, las deudas, los desastres, el divorcio y la muerte de los seres queridos. Dios puede producir algo bueno del peor mal. Ya lo hizo en el Calvario.”

Rick Warren

“Many people are driven by the need for approval. They allow the expectations of parents or spouses or children or teachers or friends to control their lives. Many adults are still trying to earn the approval of unpleasable parents. Others are driven by peer pressure, always worried by what others might think. Unfortunately, those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it.”

Rick Warren

“To make the most of your life, you must keep the vision of eternity continually in your mind and the value of it in your heart.”

Rick Warren

“Jesus stood at a fork in the road. Would he fulfill his purpose and bring glory to God, or would he shrink back and live a comfortable, self-centered life? You face the same choice. Will you live for your own goals, comfort, and pleasure, or will you live the rest of your life for God’s glory, knowing that he has promised eternal rewards?”

Rick Warren

“Mucho de nuestro estrés se debe al deseo de control total. ¡La vida es una lucha, pero lo que muchas personas ignoran es que la nuestra, como la de Jacob, es en realidad una lucha con Dios! Queremos ser Dios, y de ninguna manera podremos ganar esa lucha. A.W. Tozer dijo: «Muchos aún están confusos, buscando; apenas hacen pequeños progresos porque todavía no se han rendido del todo. Todavía pretendemos dar órdenes y entrometernos en la obra de Dios en nosotros». No somos Dios, y nunca lo seremos. Somos seres humanos. Cuando pretendemos ser Dios acabamos pareciéndonos a Satanás, que pretendía eso mismo. Aceptamos nuestra humanidad con el intelecto, pero no con las emociones. Cuando nos enfrentamos a nuestras propias limitaciones, reaccionamos con irritación, enojo y resentimiento. Queremos ser más altos (o más bajos), más inteligentes, más fuertes, más talentosos, más hermosos y más ricos. Queremos tener de todo y hacer cualquier cosa, y nos disgustamos cuando eso no ocurre. Al darnos cuenta de que Dios dota a otros con las características que no tenemos, respondemos con envidia, celos y autocompasión.”

Rick Warren

“It is a fatal mistake to assume that God’s goal for your life is material prosperity or popular success, as the world defines it. The abundant life has nothing to do with material abundance, and faithfulness to God does not guarantee success in a career or even in ministry. Never focus on temporary crowns

Rick Warren

“Everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory. ROMANS 11:36 LB”

Rick Warren

“Whose opinion matters most to you? Whoever that person is, is your god. When you value anyone’s opinions more than God’s, you give that person power and authority that belongs only to God. That creates all kinds of insecurity within you. On the other hand, when God’s approval matters the most to you, it sets you free from insecurity, because he will never reject you.”

Rick Warren

“God is not a cruel slave driver or a bully who uses brute force to coerce us into submission. He doesn’t try to break our will, but woos us to himself so that we might offer ourselves freely to him. God is a lover and a liberator, and surrendering to him brings freedom, not bondage. When we completely surrender ourselves to Jesus, we discover that he is not a tyrant, but a savior; not a boss, but a brother; not a dictator, but a friend.”

Rick Warren

“It’s not about you. The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It's far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose.”

Rick Warren

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