“Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose, life has no meaning. Without meaning, life has no significance or hope.”

Rick Warren

“Sometimes it takes years, but eventually you discover that the greatest hindrance to God’s blessing in your life is not others, it is yourself — your self-will, stubborn pride, and personal ambition. You cannot fulfill God’s purposes for your life while focusing on your own plans.”

Rick Warren

“Frankness is not a license to say anything you want, wherever and whenever you want. It is not rudeness.”

Rick Warren

“Without a clear purpose, you will keep changing directions, jobs, relationships, churches, or other externals — hoping each change will settle the confusion or fill the emptiness in your heart. You think, Maybe this time it will be different, but it doesn’t solve your real problem — a lack of focus and purpose.”

Rick Warren

“Las personas son más importantes que el dinero.”

Rick Warren

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.” 

Rick Warren

“God is always more interested in why we do something than in what we do. Attitudes count more than achievements.”

Rick Warren

“You focus your attention on a single truth from the Bible and then continue to think about it throughout your day.”

Rick Warren

“It’s only when we forget ourselves that we do the things that deserve to be remembered.” 

Rick Warren

“It is usually meaningless work, not overwork, that wears us down, saps our strength, and robs our joy.”

Rick Warren

“Como cristianos somos llamados a pertenecer, no tan solo a creer.”

Rick Warren

“What do you have that God hasn’t given you? And if all you have is from God, why boast as though you have accomplished something on your own?”

Rick Warren

“Longing for the ideal while criticizing the real is evidence of immaturity. On the other hand, settling for the real without striving for the ideal is complacency. Maturity is living with the tension.”

Rick Warren

“We can worship God imperfectly, but we cannot worship him insincerely.”

Rick Warren

“Gratitude asks, “Why me? Why do I get all that I have?” David modeled this kind of gratitude when he prayed, “Who am I, O Sovereign LORD, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?”15 Years later, his son would write, “It is better to be satisfied with what you have than to be always wanting something else.”

Rick Warren

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