“In contrast, the Bible says, “A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.”15 Patience comes from wisdom, and wisdom comes from hearing the perspective of others. Listening says, “I value your opinion, I care about our relationship, and you matter to me.” The cliché is true: People don’t care what we know until they know we care.”

Rick Warren

“El estudio de la Palabra de Dios debe dirigirse a su aplicación a nuestra vida, con el resultado de que las Escrituras nos cambien para que nos conformemos más a la voluntad de Dios.”

Rick Warren

“Gratitude asks, “Why me? Why do I get all that I have?”

Rick Warren

“You cannot exalt God and yourself at the same time.”

Rick Warren

“Cruciferous vegetables are the super detoxification foods.”

Rick Warren

“Dear Jesus, more than anything else, I want to get to know you intimately.”

Rick Warren

“Anytime you use your God-given abilities to help others, you are fulfilling your purpose of life.  What matters is not the Duration of your life, but the Donation of it.”

Rick Warren

“Sin un propósito, la vida es una marcha sin sentido, un movimiento sin dirección y sucesos sin motivos. La vida sin propósito es trivial, insignificante e inútil.”

Rick Warren

“This is the paradox: victory comes through surrender. Surrender doesn’t weaken you; it strengthens you. Surrendered to God, you don’t have to fear or surrender to anything else.”

Rick Warren

“The cliché is true: People don't care what we know until they know we care.”

Rick Warren

“It's not about you.”

Rick Warren

“Your wisest moments will be those when you say yes to God.”

Rick Warren

“IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU. The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose.”

Rick Warren

“La manera más fácil de entender el propósito de un invento es preguntarle al inventor. Lo mismo ocurre cuando quieres saber la razón de tu vida: pregúntale a Dios.”

Rick Warren

“Nunca sabrás que Dios es todo lo que necesitas hasta que él sea todo lo que tengas.”

Rick Warren

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